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textNew issue of Red Banner 17:14 Nov 17 0 comments

imageOh, you mean that Sean South! 22:39 Nov 16 0 comments

textIndymedia mentioned in the Dáil by Dempsey 15:38 Nov 16 10 comments

textInverted Values 09:55 Nov 16 0 comments

textPakistan votes to amend rape laws 15:16 Nov 15 12 comments

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IMC Ireland invites you all to our 5th birthday celebrations in the Loft, Powerscourt Centre, Dublin 2, on Monday Dec 4th at 7pm.
We will be celebrating our 5th birthday in the Loft, with the Irish Premiere of the new documentary, "((i))". Admission is 6 euro. Doors open at 7pm, where complimentary wine & soft drinks will be served. Any profit from the film night will be split 50/50 - half goes to indymedia.ie future film night projects, the other half will be donated to help costs to assist in the set up of an Indymedia centre in Nairobi, Kenya, to coincide with the World Social Forum which will take place there in January 2007. We would encourage people to give generously to this project, a separate donation bucket will be passed around on the night. For more information please visit the event calendar notice.

dublin / rights and freedoms Friday November 17, 2006 00:13 by V.
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On the 24th of April 2001 Uachtaráin na hÉireann Mary McAleese officially opened the Crèche in The Coombe Woman’s Hospital with much applause ribbons and publicity. However on the 24th of October 2006 the children, their parents and the employees of this Crèche were informed it is now to close with much disappointment, upset and disruption, on New Years Eve.

We the parents have been advised the closure is to facilitate the Hospital’s Expansion Programme, which we note will not include any further childcare facilities on its publicly funded and owned campus. The unacceptable and untimely short notice period of two months We, the parents have been advised is a result of a failure of the crèche operators Tots & Co to fully inform us of the expiry of their operating lease and their communications with the Hospital Administration on the matter. We, the parents formally request your support to help us secure an additional 4 months notice period; We are not against the improvement or the development of the Coombe Women’s Hospital; We are not in dispute with the owners and operators of this Crèche Tots & Co; We are just endeavouring to secure safe and secure childcare for our children with as little disruption and tears as possible.

mayo / rights and freedoms Saturday November 11, 2006 00:23 by TJ
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Democracy How Are Ya?

Friday, November 10th was the 11th anniversary of the state murder of Ken Saro Wiwa and 8 other Ogoni activists in Nigeria, at the behest of Shell. The day was chosen by the Shell to Sea campaign as a suitable day of action against Shell's unprecedented attempt to build a high-pressure pipeline across bog-land to a terminal that is sited in a completely unsuitable spot.

The protestors witnessed a quantam leap in Gardai violence against legitimate protest in Rossport. The gardai were caught on camera baton-charging the protestors and throwing one protestor over a fence into a deep ditch. Several injuries were reported and several people were hospitalised. One man was followed into a field by three gardai, pulled to the ground and savagely beaten in front of a dozen witnesses. The state and Shell have embarked on a course of thuggery and intimidation and are clearly set on smashing the protests.

More: More reports from Bellinaboy | Indymedia's coverage of Shell To Sea Campaign | One arrested at solidarity protest in Newcastle | Rossport 5 High Court Case Re-opens | Latest (Excellent) Report from Shell to Sea

dublin / environment Wednesday November 08, 2006 13:09 by Shell to Sea
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Activists from Dublin Shell to Sea disrupted the "Exploring Atlantic Ireland" conference in the Burlington Hotel this morning as Minister for the giveaway of Natural Resources Noel Dempsey was on stage giving his speech.

Titled "Exploring Atlantic Ireland 2006", the two-day conference is highlighting the "exciting development opportunities" in Ireland's offshore gas. The minister was addressing 130 people from the oil and gas exploration industry, many from overseas. Despite a heavy presence of 30-40 Gardai as well as private security, the activists managed to gain access, with two getting into the main conference hall - and delivering a clear message that any development of Irish natural resources could only take place with the benefits of the project going to the Irish people, and with their consent.

Indymedia readers will be well aware that the terms of gas exploration licences mean that multinationals own all the gas they extract from Irish waters, paying no royalties and paying only a low rate of tax on whatever profits they declare many years after they sell the gas. However, defenders of Ireland's extraordinarily generous set-up argue that the exploration that results from such positive terms give Ireland "security of supply".

The next step in the Shell to Sea Campaign is a International Day of Action against Shell on Friday November 10th
dublin / anti-war Monday November 06, 2006 02:55 by various
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The visit of Ibrahim Mussawi of Hezbullah (Lebanon) to Ireland over the past week as a guest of the Irish Anti War Movement has raised some eyebrows among anti-war activists and regular contributors to Indymedia Ireland. MichaelY from the IAWM began by outlining his organisation's position: "Perhaps the most crucial political point of them all. The IAWM is NOT a "Peace organisation" - there are, at least, 10-12 Peace organisations in this country, some of them anti-war/some of them not. The IAWM, as stated in its constitution, is an anti-imperialist organisation whose main objective is to stop the use of Shannon and other Irish facilities by the forces of the Empire, while simultaneously extending support and solidarity with those who are invaded, and those who fight against that invasion and occupation by any means at their disposal.

"It is in this context that we invited Ibrahim Mussawi and it is this context that many of us, especially the older members of the IAWM, supported the Vitenamese NLF and the Catholic inspired armed national liberation movements in Latin America. It is in this context many of us served time for being supporters of the ANC in South Africa , Frelimo in Mozambique or closer at home, the armed Irish movements. We don't see as our role to pick and choose...who is secular and who is not, who is anarchist and who is not, who is armed or not/peaceful, who is for NVDA and who for elections. Who is Gandhian and who Gramscian. Who is a Trotskyist and who Marxist Leninist. Who is a nationalist and who a republican. We support all of them...those who fight, those who resist, those who dream of a better world, those who block and protest while singing the Rosary. All of them."

dublin / miscellaneous Wednesday November 01, 2006 14:19 by Paula Geraghty
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T'was Hallowe'en night...........

Traditional Halloween Bonfires Light up the city.

Everywhere bonfires, fireworks, superheroes looking for sweets...... when will it all end?

Photo Essay from Dublin | The scariest thing in Derry this Halloween


News Reports

Sat 18 Nov, 05:32

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imageShell to Sea fundraiser at the Spailpín Fánach, Cork on Wednesday 23:12 Fri 17 Nov by Elinor and Ray 2 comments

imageKen Saro-Wiwa Memorial Seminar, Sat. 11th November 2006 16:15 Fri 17 Nov by Elinor 2 comments

The author shortly after the events he describes imageEyewitness account from Rossport 16:02 Fri 17 Nov by James 2 comments

text"WMD Here!" Plowshares Sentenced to 8, 12 & 15 Months & anti-war resistance updates! 13:23 Fri 17 Nov by Bill 2 comments

textAnti Bothar Campaign Launched 12:07 Fri 17 Nov by Anti Bothar Campaign 15 comments

imageShell to Sea Picket on Munster Garda HQ 10:37 Fri 17 Nov by Cork Shell to Sea supporter 10 comments

textMeeting in Dingle Supporting Rossport 02:45 Fri 17 Nov by an fear súil 3 comments

Statoil's now back in the frame as regards picketing imageGalway continues to protest over the brutalisation of dissent in Rossport 18:07 Thu 16 Nov by JD 2 comments

imageUCC enquiry "inflammatory" 12:44 Thu 16 Nov by Stuart 1 comments

p1010002_1.jpg imageGalway/Rossport : "Who breaks a butterfly on a wheel?". 21:27 Mon 13 Nov by TJ 2 comments

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Press Releases

textWSM Statement on last Friday's day of action Nov 17 WSM 1 comments

textBNFL MOX Shipment - 22nd November Nov 17 The Tara Foundation 0 comments

imageNUIG OSF 'A.R.I.S.E.' AGAINST STATOIL Nov 16 Ogra Shinn Fein 3 comments

imageMobilise to end Basque Youth Censorshipl! Nov 16 Ogra Shinn Fein 0 comments

textWSM Autumn National Conference 2006 Nov 15 WSM 20 comments

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