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wouter's FotoPage

By: wouter desmedt

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Monday, 28-Aug-2006 13:54 Email | Share | | Bookmark


Last weekend it was 'Bug Show' at Spa Francorchamps, the biggest VW event of Belgium and one of the biggest of Europe. Unfortunately it rained to much to see wheelies .

gr Wout

ik moet zeggen dat jou foto perfect de sfeer weergeeft ... Thu 31-Aug-2006 09:51
Posted by:katrien  - [Link]
Allé zeg, regen! Maakt da nu mee!! Thu 31-Aug-2006 22:29
Posted by:Larah&Bo  - [Link]
De moment om slippertjes te maken... Sun 3-Sep-2006 09:38
Posted by:herman  - [Link]
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Monday, 14-Aug-2006 08:06 Email | Share | | Bookmark


Last weekend it was Das Drag Day 4 (DDD4), one of the finest meetings in Europe! With only the best and fastest Vdubs of the scene.
It was awesome!
Are you imprest?
gr Wout

't doet mij herinneren aan de "dolle kever"... Sat 19-Aug-2006 18:35
Posted by:luc
kei neig jong ....kzou daar eigenlijk wel willen inzitten . Tue 22-Aug-2006 22:08
Posted by:Annick  - [Link]
wow, mijne transporter is jalours! Sun 3-Sep-2006 09:35
Posted by:herman  - [Link]
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Thursday, 10-Aug-2006 10:57 Email | Share | | Bookmark


Breskens is a small village at the sea and it's only 15min away.
Foto's taken with the small compactcamera.

hondje baden, in een mooie sfeer! Sun 13-Aug-2006 08:56
Posted by:transporter
en is het baasje ook in t water geweest? Sun 13-Aug-2006 19:42
Posted by:Piet  - [Link]
SUPER Tue 15-Aug-2006 15:59
Posted by:schoonmoeder
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Monday, 7-Aug-2006 07:25 Email | Share | | Bookmark

View all photos...

Yesterday I went to a family-party, there were a lot of kids who liked to be on foto very much. Even the very small ones know the digital camera allready, even before the foto was taken they allready asked : 'Can I see it?????' The little ones had fun and so did I !


Enig om te hebben De voorlaatste is mijn favoriet Mon 7-Aug-2006 21:02
Posted by:Ronald  - [Link]
The faces of the future. Tue 8-Aug-2006 18:34
Posted by:JP Harr  - [Link]
Jaja, ik ken dat, thuis lopen er ook zo twee rond. Alleen moeten die van mij geduld oefenen voor ze de foto's kunnen zien. Wed 9-Aug-2006 08:38
Posted by:Ikke-alleen  - [Link]
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Tuesday, 1-Aug-2006 18:06 Email | Share | | Bookmark


A few km from my house I saw this dried pool, It's just like Africa.
gr Wout

Inderdaad in dit 'landje van beloften' vindt ge werkelijk alles. Zijn dit kleurenfoto's? Ze spreken wel voor zich Sat 5-Aug-2006 15:01
Posted by:sonia
Zie maar dat je snel uw "hotel" afwerkt in Waterland-Oudeman, zodat de toeristen kunnen komen... Thu 10-Aug-2006 10:34
Posted by:Piet  - [Link]
krokant! Sun 13-Aug-2006 08:55
Posted by:transporter  - [Link]
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Friday, 28-Jul-2006 21:49 Email | Share | | Bookmark


Foto from some time ago. But it shows my feelings!
Wich I was that far already with my building plans, but bad stability of the underground and buildingvacation dicided it would be completely different !!! So I couldn't start allready, hope I will next week! So let's hope!

gr Wout

't Is daar altijd iets in Waterland-Oudeman! Sun 30-Jul-2006 21:29
Posted by:Larah&Bo  - [Link]
Altijd positief blijven denken!!!!
Knappe foto
Mon 31-Jul-2006 06:53
Posted by:Ikke-alleen  - [Link]
Ik volg katrien volledig: deze foto beschrijft meer dan 10 zinnen uitleg.
Een hoog Wout gehalte!

We hopen met z'n allen mee op een snelle start van de bouw..
Wed 2-Aug-2006 06:31
Posted by:Curlie
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Thursday, 20-Jul-2006 13:47 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Very nice cabrio!


Hope you like it?


amaai zou je niet van beroep veranderen, zo goede kritieken... Inderdaad zeer mooi Mon 31-Jul-2006 16:32
Posted by:schoonmoeder
I LOVE IT! Tue 8-Aug-2006 18:37
Posted by:JP Harr  - [Link]
euh, op tijd stoppen hé!
Sun 13-Aug-2006 08:54
Posted by:transporter  - [Link]
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Saturday, 15-Jul-2006 13:34 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Fast V-dubs!


Larah-bo asked voor VW bugs, so here they are.
Fotos were taken in Lelystad at 'Kevercircuitdag' (bug-circuit-day).

gr Wout

btw, Wout, schoon fotokes Mon 17-Jul-2006 06:54
Posted by:Ikke-alleen  - [Link]
@JpHarr About 14s, but this car is build for 1/8 mile so the gearbox isn't long enough
@ikke-alleen wel plat op den buik!!!!!!! Wa peisde gij wel van mij?!
Mon 17-Jul-2006 21:47
Posted by:wout  - [Link]
Goed dat je hier terug bent! Tue 25-Jul-2006 05:13
Posted by:Ronald  - [Link]
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Thursday, 13-Jul-2006 19:26 Email | Share | | Bookmark


Yes I'm back, alive and kicking!
Get myself a new pasword, so I can log in again.

Here are some foto's from 'the rally of Ypres', it's a wellknown rally in Belgium. It was almost 20 years ago that I went but the excitement was as big as back in the days!!!!

The foto's are pure like I took them, not cut or fotoshopt!

Hope you like them

gr Wout

Idd de 3 is een mooie, de snelheid zit er goed in. Alhoewel de 2 ook mooi is met die stofwolk. Fri 21-Jul-2006 11:26
Posted by:Nelle  - [Link]
helemaal uw ding hé
Sat 22-Jul-2006 20:43
Posted by:katrien  - [Link]
# 3 geeft ongetwijfeld meest de suggestie van snelheid Tue 25-Jul-2006 05:12
Posted by:Ronald  - [Link]
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Monday, 8-May-2006 19:28 Email | Share | | Bookmark


Glow in my kitchen.
Gr Wout

Wow, 't is lang geleden dat ik nog gefotpaged heb.
Nie slecht zou 'k zo zeggen!
Tue 9-May-2006 12:50
Posted by:transporter  - [Link]
AWEL ??? Waar zat jij gisteren? Ik heb me nu helemaal alleen moeten misdragen. Terwijl ik normaal alles op jou kan steken.... Fri 19-May-2006 09:49
Posted by:Curlie  - [Link]
Sorry guys can't post new foto's! Can't log in anymore Wed 24-May-2006 08:37
Posted by:wout  - [Link]
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