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Portsmouth Mayor Holley Endorses George Allen

Posted by: Star Womanspirit on October 06, 2006 5:39:58 PM

Today, at an afternoon press conference Portsmouth Mayor James Holley III endorsed George Allen with this statement, "I would be remiss in friendship and responsibility if I did not endorse George Allen for his re-election to the Senate."

Mayor Holley is basing his support for George Allen on Allen's support of the Federal Project Hope VI grants for the Jeffrey Wilson redevelopment project. During his speech, Holley took full credit for the Project Hope IV Ida Barbour revitalization project. Holley attempted to give Senator Allen the full credit for the $20 million Project VI grant for Ida Barbour. Holley inferred that Senator Allen was so impressed with what Portsmouth had done with the Ida Barbour Hope grant ...

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[ News | Anti-War | Empire | Hampton Roads | National | Global ]

Protest Against Bush Attack on Iran at Norfolk Atlantic Fleet Naval Base

Posted by: Mac on October 03, 2006 5:40:34 PM

Protest Against Bush Attack on Iran at Norfolk Atlantic Fleet Naval Base

by Mac McKinney
Staff writer for the Southern ((I))
a Hampton Roads, Virginia Independent Media Journal

Protesters held a peace demonstration at Gate 5 at NOB, the Norfolk Naval Operating Base, home of the Atlantic Fleet, this Sunday afternoon, October 1st. This was in response to ongoing, threatening rhetoric toward Iran by the Bush Administration and news that a nuclear carrier strike group led by the USS Eisenhower would be steaming out of Norfolk on Tuesday, October 3. The small strike group, consisting of some half-dozen naval vessels, is said to be under orders to position itself for actions ...

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[ News | Hampton Roads ]

Corporate Media FAILS to Cover The First Rally AGAINST Bush's Iran War Plans

Posted by: Star Womanspirit on October 01, 2006 2:42:19 PM
The Virginian Pilot and the local television stations FAILED to cover important breaking news today...even though they knew that the very first protest against Bush's War on Iran would occur today outside Gate 5 of the Norfolk Naval Base. On October 2, the Eisenhower battle group will be departing for the waters off the Iranian coast. Some local reporters contacted local Hampton Roads Indy Media Coalition members asking how they knew of the Eisenhower battle group departure before the local press had this information. Several national media outlets have reported that the Eisenhower deployment was the next step in Bush's battle plans to start a War against Iran. Today's gathering was grassroots, it sprang up ...
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Protest Deployment of War Ships to Iran

Posted by: Anonymous on September 27, 2006 9:23:19 PM

Stop the War on Iran

before it starts

Sunday, Oct. 1, Noon

Norfolk Naval Base

Gate 5 -

across from the Pass Office on Hampton Blvd.

An early deployment of the Eisenhower Strike Group will depart Norfolk Tuesday, Oct 3rd.

The Strike Group is scheduled to arrive off the coast of Iran on or about October 21.

The nuclear aircraft carrier has been in the Norfolk port for several years refurbishing and was not scheduled to depart for at least another month.

Demand an ...

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[ Arts & Culture | Hampton Roads ]

4th Annual Green Screen Film Festival - Naro

Posted by: Anonymous on September 20, 2006 2:31:22 PM

Friday, Sept 22 through Wednesday, October 4th NARO Expanded Cinema in Norfolk

Fourth Annual Green Screen Film Festival

  • "World War III will be a guerrilla information war, with no division between military and civilian participation." -- Marshall McLuhan, The Medium is the Massage (1967)
  • Thursday, September 21 from 6:00 to 8:30pm An inter-faith peace service and candlelight vigil will be held at the Unitarian Church on the Hague, 739 Yarmouth St in Norfolk.
  • Friday, Sept 22 Opening night reception at Elliot's Fair Grounds Coffee House at corner of Colley Ave and Baldwin Ave (one block south of Naro) following the screening ...
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    What is Happening out in Buckroe; Focus on Fort Monroe

    Posted by: Anonymous on September 07, 2006 6:29:27 PM
    After much active citizen pressure, pro-development forces to Hampton’s Buckroe Beach are finally subsiding. Much thanks to Phylis Flanders, Sandra Canepa, and Trish Ferraro. Known as the Green Space Ladies, they lead a citizens movement to have the city owned empty lots in front of Buckroe Beach designated as a city park instead of for condominium development. The Green Space Ladies collected some twelve thousand signatures which council member Mrs. Angela Leary said she cannot ignore. Council member Randy Gilliland finally tipped the political balance when he suggested the city reconsider its development plans for Buckroe with a new steering committee. Pro-development forces within city planning quickly ...
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    Earth First

    Posted by: Anonymous on July 18, 2006 4:43:04 PM
    EARTH FIRST! CONFRONTS DESTRUCTIVE PRACTICES OF KING COAL In a Daring Challenge To The Power Of The Coal Industry, Activists Blockade Power Plant July 10, 2006, Carbo, Virginia - Early this morning, activists with Earth First! and Rising Tide North America set up a non-violent blockade of American Electric Power's (AEP) nearly 50 year old Clinch River coal fired electric facility. Emitting millions of pounds of pollutants yearly, the Clinch River coal plant threatens the health and lives of thousands of downwind residents and the surrounding environment. Burning coal is not only a primary factor behind global climate change, but also drives the expansion of large scale strip mining. Large scale surface mining destroys forests, streams ...
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    [ Environment | Housing & Gentrification | National ]

    New Orleans Relief?

    Posted by: Tom Palumbo on July 10, 2006 5:44:09 PM


    Nearly a year has passed since Katrina (and subsequently) Rita has hit the Gulf Coast. Estimates are that 90,000 square miles were affected. Only a fraction of the residents have returned, with Baton Rouge, LA now considered the largest city in La. Comparisons are being made to the social, finacial and demographic shift that occured in Texas at the begining of the 20th century. The hurricane that decimated Galveston, which at time was the largest and most vibrant city - created an exodus to Houston, which emerged and is to this day the largest city in Texas.


    Relief work continues -although many parts of the city are simply abandoned. The area known as Bayou Sauvage, which was a wildlife ...

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    [ Arts & Culture | Food & Health | Hampton Roads ]

    Soma Screening with Nick Cooper

    Posted by: Anonymous on June 21, 2006 12:48:12 PM



    Tuesday 6/27

    7 pm

    40th Street Stage, Norfolk

    suggested donation $10


    Soma- An Anarchist Therapy

    A documentary by Nick Cooper about Brazilian group therapy incorporating anarchism, capoeira angola, and Wilhelm Reich. Discussion with the filmmaker to follow.

    (DVD shot in Brazil, subtitles in English)

    preview: http://houston.indymedia.org/uploads/octoberpreviewsmall.mpg

    More info: http://www.somadocumentary.com


    With difficulty walking and half-blinded from torture by the ...

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    [ Civil Liberties | Hampton Roads ]

    Police Harass Local Norfolk Activist

    Posted by: Anonymous on June 07, 2006 7:10:50 PM
    Personal Account of Alton Robinson posted with Mr. Robinson's permission by Alma D. Kesling of Norfolk, VA: June 6, 2006 Approximately 6:15 this afternoon, I left my wife’s apartment on my way to the Park Place Recreation Center to give Buster a copy of the Summer Activities sheet that I had printed out on the computer. I saw two gentlemen that I knew, and asked them if they were they still looking for a job because I was at the City Council meeting earlier today, and councilman Burfoot told me about some job positions with Network Industries. My wife was attending school at TCC. I was keeping our children. My two little girls were playing near by with a few of their little friends while I was talking to the two gentlemen. My ...
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