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IndyMedia Journalist Killed by Governor's Goons in Oaxaca
Brad Will, of NYC, shot in chest by paramilitary govt terrorist

Most political activists in North Texas are familiar with the IndyMedia movement and with musician David Rovics. David has sent the following personal note regarding the recent killing of New York IMC reporter Bradley Will (with David's permission to reprint):

"brad will was a dear friend, and a true revolutionary. he died the way countless and uncounted numbers of beautiful people have died in recent centuries -- he was shot in the chest by rightwing paramilitaries. he was filming the scene around one of thousands of barricades that have shut down oaxaca city since last june, when the governor there tried to ban public expressions of dissent, thus throwing one more historical spark into one more historical powder keg.

"brad embodied the spirit of indymedia. he was not just covering stories that the "mainstream" press ignores, such as the exciting, violent revolutionary moment which has gripped oaxaca for several months now. brad was not risking his life to get a good shot of a confrontation at a barricade because he might get a photo on the cover of a newspaper, get some (perhaps well-deserved) fame and money -- he was posting his communiques on indymedia, for free.

"sure, brad was filming in order to cover history. but he was there also to make history. brad knew that a camera is a weapon, or hopefully a shield of some sort, and sometimes can serve to de-escalate a situation, to protect people from being violated, beaten, killed. and brad knew that if the independent media didn't document history, nobody else would.

"brad deeply appreciated the power of music and culture. if he didn't have a camera in his hands, he often had a guitar. during some of his many travels around latin america he wrote emails to me about the musicians he met, with whom he shared my songs and recordings. he particularly liked my song "saint patrick battalion," and reportedly shared his rendition of it with lots of people. he would not live to know just how much his life and death would resemble the san patricios, who died fighting for mexico during the first u.s. invasion of that country in the 1840's.

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EDITORS NOTE: NTIMC endorses no political candidates.

An interview with Charles Waterbury, Green Party candidate for Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, focusing on his reasons for running and the development of his legal philosophy.

DALLAS, TX--With three weeks until election day, Charles Waterbury is oddly upbeat for a candidate in his position. Battling a well-ensconced Republican, it seems unlikely that Waterbury will unseat the incumbent Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court. Forget, for a moment, that Republicans hold every statewide elected office in Texas. Beyond that, Waterbury's write-in status reduces the odds of victory even further. Add to that his representing the Green Party of Texas--"There's a Green Party in Texas?!"--and the scenario becomes a downright anomaly in the Lone Star State.

Why the lack of concern?

"I have nothing to lose," says the father of two, smiling affably as he speaks. "No one expects me to get any votes at all. By all appearances, my opponents aren't even campaigning. So, every vote I earn is a small victory."

Such confidence belies the current condition of third party politics in Texas, one of the most difficult states in the nation to achieve ballot access. But as the conversation continues, it becomes clear that Waterbury, an immigration and personal injury attorney, is exactly the kind of candidate groups like the Green Party need.

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Everyone is invited to attend the Quarterly General Meeting of Peace Action Denton on Saturday, Oct. 14 at 5:30 pm - Potluck dinner, bring a dish to share.

Meeting will be followed by the film Iraq for Sale at 7:00 pm. This is the newest film from Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films, RSVP at:

Both events held at: Trinity Presbyterian, 2200 N Bell (at Sherman), Denton
For all our upcoming events, visit our webiste at:

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Several of us (50 or so) showed up at Dealy Plaza in Dallas, Texas yesterday to protest the Bush Administration & the Iraq War. The media came, a helicopter circled us and even Homeland Security officers were standing on the sidelines! We liked it so much that we're doing it again next Thursday (OCTOBER 12TH) at 5pm - 8pm @ Dealey Plaza (corner of Elm & Houston).

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Mock Indictment Held Against the Bush Administration
Students and Concerned Citizens Unite in Street Theater Preformance

In solidarity with the National Wolrd Can't Wait Campaign to Drive Out the Bush Regime a street theatre performance was held to let the world know that the people are tired of the current administration.

On October 5, 2006 UNT Students for 911 Truth hosted activists from all over the North Texas Region to indict the Bush Administration with an array of charges ranging from violations of the Geneva Conventions to contracting improprieties. Starting at 11:30 am and again at 12:30pm, a street theatre performance was held to let the world know that people are fed up with the current administration. The action was presented to almost 100 passers by.

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I travelled to Ft. Hood with Desiree Fairooz, who organized the action, and Nel Labar. We stopped at the Crawford Peace House to meet up with a few more people on our way to Killeen.

It was a warm, muggy, overcast day when we arrived. We parked at an abandoned gas station lot on one corner of the T-intersection leading to the East Gate of Fort Hood, with a wide 4-lane bricked roadway and a huge decommissioned tank perched at the entrance to welcome us.

Shortly after we arrived we were visited by 3 police squad cars. The polite young police officers asked us what we were doing, how long we would be there, pointed out the specific areas where we could and could not stand and told us what we could and could not do: don't impede passage on the sidewalk or streets, no more than 6 participants at any time ( more than that requires a permit), no soliciting of funds, no distribution of literature in the roadways.

Ft. Hood property lines were pointed out, and the city police told us that if we were to stand along the roadway beyond a certain point that we would be on Ft. Hood property and would then have to deal with their security people.

The traffic was light, this being a major holiday, but it was fairly steady throughout the day. Channel 6 from Waco came and interviewed several of us early in the day. I was carrying an upside-down US flag, generally recognized as a "signal of distress. This did receive a small number of shouts from passers-by, telling me to "fix that flag."

One man shouted at me from across the street to do just that. He crossed the street to confront me and the cameraman followed him. The young soldier in casual civilian clothing, maybe in his late 20's or early 30's, angrily shouted at me that I was disrespecting him and the flag and his military service by displaying it in such a manner. While the cameraman filmed this exchange, I quietly replied that is was a recognized symbol of distress and would remain that way the rest of the day. The young man walked away angrily.

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I thought that Memorial Day in Denton [Texas] should mean something more than just a temporary forest of flags sprouting in the downtown business district, so I did something about it.

A few days before the holiday, I emailed another Veterans For Peace guy here in town, with a copy to the local VFP chapter president about 30 miles down the road in Carrollton. I asked if they were interested in doing something public to show the flag a bit on Memorial Day?

I suggested that we stand by the freeway to be seen by as many people as possible. I was pleasantly surprised when the one or two guys I expected to show up turned out to be a dozen men, women, and children willing to spend a couple hours in the steamy Texas sun to share our message.

We had a couple of large VFP banners showing the logo and the website address. There were assorted signs, and maybe half a dozen US flags. I even turned my flag right side up on the pole for the first time in four years. I would be soliciting donations on this day, so I did not need the distraction of my inverted flag as a guaranteed conversation starter.

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Texas Guard Moving to Border ASAP
Memorandum of Agreement nears Final Draft

As soon as the order is signed by the Governor, troops will move to the Mexican border "as quickly as possible."

The Texas National Guard and the Governor's Office have been working up preliminary plans for deployment of troops to the Mexico border, and both offices are expecting the Governor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement in the very near future that would put the troop deployment into action.

The preliminary planning has involved five chiefs of the National Guard border sectors, including Laredo, El Paso, and Marfa. And their preliminary plans call for deployment of expertise in "linguistics, engineering, and transportation" says Chief Moncada of the Guard public affairs office in Austin.

A spokesperson for the Governor's office says the operation is in "final stages of planning" and that the memorandum of agreement "has been drafted and is being finalized for signatures".

"We hope to get personnel to the border as quickly as possible," said Rachael Novier from the Governor's press office.

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--On Thursday, May 4, two sisters from Women in Black were the subjects of a Homeland Security sting in front of the Federal Building on Houston Street .

We had stood in front of the building every Thursday for several weeks, without incident when three Homeland Security cars zoomed onto the scene and officers handed out citations for blocking the entranceway when we were six feet from the door. We returned the following Thursday, May 11, at our regularly scheduled time.

In a week’s time, word had circulated and an action of two became a cause for many. We were joined by an ACLU observer and members of Code Pink, Camp Casey Alumni, Pax Christi, Veterans for Peace, the Dallas Peace Center, Camp Casey Dallas, North Texas for Justice and Peace, Richland College Institute for Peace, Cathedral of Hope and the Peace and Justice Center-Arlington. The Veterans for Peace bus, driven by Jim Goodnow, literally made the rounds for the duration of the vigil.

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An APPEAL to University of North Texas Students
More fun than a Thursday night at Hailey's: Why The Hell Not?

Halliburton has felt the heat and has moved their annual shareholder’s meeting to a remote location away from organized protest groups. But, little do they know, they moved it right into our backyard.

Halliburton’s war profiteering, no-bid contracts, unethical ties to the White House, and failure to provide adequate services to our troops should be reason enough to get out to the streets and let them know that we do not want this for our country.

History shows us that non-violent direct action works. Let us all join together and show this corporation that we will not let them ruin our future!

E-mail Denton Anti-Racist Action to find out about their meeting times and locations; Peace Action Denton plans to go; and
OKie Activists will be there.

Together we will fight and together we will win!

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Monday, Oct 30 2006, 12:31pm
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text Firme convicción de resistir a la brutalidad yanki O30 12:17pm

text Repost from jamie O30 11:46am

audio The Headless Horseman Theme for Halloween O30 8:56am

text IndyMedia Journalist Killed by Governor's Goons in Oaxaca O30 5:15am

text the cult of bush O29 3:09pm

text Preemptive Peace O29 3:19am

image NYC Indymedia Journalist Brad Will Shot Dead by Government Forces in Oaxaca O28 5:26pm

text Keeping Pets Safe on Halloween O28 7:11am

text Reward Offered in Ellis County, Texas Animal Cruelty Case O28 7:04am

text Get Your Male Cat Neutered For Only 5¢ This Halloween! O28 6:36am

text Kinky Friedman in Houston 10.25.06 O28 5:52am

text Early Voting Has Begun - Hours and Polling Places in Tarrant County O27 3:53pm

text "Worst Administration Ever" Rally in Dallas Election Eve at Reunion Arena O27 3:40pm

text Hope VI Project Double-Crosses Oakland Renters O27 1:30pm

text Bush Commits Perjury in Foramaldegate O27 1:08pm

text Photos of indigenous fiestas and traditions O27 10:22am

text "Lions and Tigers and Bears in the Backyard" LCA Investigation on 20/20, Fri Oct 27 O27 8:29am

image Atlanta Court requests more information O26 11:31am

image Fidel gives camera to boy humiliated by the blockade O26 11:09am

text $10,000 to dose every living thing in Denton O25 1:35pm

text Computerization of voting in Brazil O24 5:46am

text Stolen election AGAIN? Help spark a general strike on Nov. 8 -- before it's too late! O23 3:29pm

text NIKON: image of the blockade O23 11:47am

image Camilo Cienfuegos O23 11:17am

image Massive march in Madrid to O23 10:58am

text The Israel Lobby & War on Iran O22 11:33am


text Shell Oil slams Irish People O21 6:59pm

text New Expose´of ExxonMobil, "Out of Balance" Released O21 10:54am

text Brazil: The Perfect Electoral Crime (II) O21 6:03am

text Waterbury Looks to Break Republican Stranglehold on Texas Supreme Court O20 8:09am

image Denuncia Cuba protección de EE.UU. al terrorista Posada Carriles. O18 6:21pm

text Bush slams Christians, bunch of Nuts O16 2:06pm

image Tthe Cuban Five must be freed! O16 10:46am


image Posada Carriles Expects To Walk O16 10:08am

text Brazil: the perfect electoral crime. O14 2:50pm

text Quarterly General Meeting & Film - Iraq for Sale O14 1:37pm

text Did VA Hide Figures Showing 1 in 4 US Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Disabled From Service? O13 11:39am

text Mis reflexiones O13 10:43am

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