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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : International Relations : Media
Brad Will, Indymedia Reporter, Murdered While Reporting on Mexico Demonstration
29 Oct 2006
brad_will.jpgBrad Will, 36, a documentary filmmaker and reporter for Indymedia in New York, Bolivia and Brazil, died today of a gunshot to the chest when pro-government attackers opened fire on a barricade in the neighborhood of Santa Lucia El Camino, on the outskirts of Oaxaca, Mexico. He died with his video camera in his hands.

Brad went to Oaxaca in early October to document the story that Commercial Media simulators like Rebecca Romero of Associated Press distort instead of report: the story of a people sick and tired of repression and injustice, who take back the government that rightfully is theirs. In that context, his assassination is also a consequence of what happens when independent media must do the work that Big Media fails to do: to tell the truth. My friend and colleague since 1996 when we labored together at 88.7 FM Steal This Radio on New York’s Lower East Side, I bumped into him again in Bolivia in 2004 during a public reception held by the Narco News School of Authentic Journalism, and again on the Yucatán peninsula last January where he came to cover the beginnings of the Zapatista Other Campaign – Brad died to bring the authentic story to the world.
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News :: Peace
Peace Activists Plan Rally at US Senate Debate
26 Oct 2006
peace.jpgNashville, TN: The Nashville Peace Coalition has called for a peace rally to be held on the evening of the scheduled statewide Senate debate in Nashville between Democratic Candidate Harold Ford Jr. and Republican Candidate Bob Corker at Vanderbilt University. The rally, which is being called "Give Peace a Voice" is being held to call attention to what many feel is the most important issue of the election season which is the ongoing occupation of Iraq. Peace Coalition members intend rally beginning at 6:30pm on the public sidewalk outside the main entrance to Ingram Hall. Green Party for US Senate candidate Chris Lugo will be in attendance at the rally although Lugo is not scheduled to participate in the debates.
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News :: Environment
Citizens From Around the State Call For A Just Energy Future
07 Oct 2006
mtn1 copy.gifCanoeists in Hazmat Suits Join Concerned Tennesseans at State Capital

Legislative Plaza in Nashville, Tenn. was filled with citizens from around the state for the “Mountains Should Be Forever” press conference. As the press conference began, there was a sudden interruption. Canoeists in HAZMAT suits, who had just walked to the capitol instead of canoing because they were afraid the waters of Tennessee had become /too/ toxic from surface mining and mountaintop removal activities, came to the podium with an important announcement.
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Green Party Candidate for Governor Howard Switzer Calls for Healthcare for All Tennesseans
29 Sep 2006
howard.jpgHoward Switzer Refers to the Major Party Candidates for Governor as 'Killer Bs'

Referring to both the Democrat and Republican candidates for governor, Bredesen and Bryson, the Green Party candidate, Howard Switzer, said "These guys are killer Bs because they both support policies that kill people unnecessarily." Primarily Mr. Switzer was referring to the estimated 18,000 people who die each year due to lack of access to the much touted great American, for-profit, healthcare system. Governor Bredesen has refered to single-payer insurance as "socialism," which it is not, and claims no one has died because he dropped them, 330,00 of them, from TennCare. "We need to join the rest of the industrialized world and provide healthcare for our people, said Switzer, "We have the most unhealthy population in the industrialized world because of our leader's penchant for profits."
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Green Party Files to Form Senatorial Campaign Committee
22 Sep 2006
sunflower.gifWASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party became the first alternative political party in history to register a national senatorial campaign committee with the Federal Election Commission last week. The filing sets further precedent because the Democratic and Republican Senate campaign committees were grandfathered in when the FEC was formed. The FEC has never dealt with a request to form such a committee. "We are taking this step because Americans need a viable alternative to the two old parties, and the Green Party is serious about offering that alternative," said Teresa Keane, a former Green Senate candidate from Oregon and Chair of the eight-member Green Senatorial Campaign Committee. "Voters are upset with both the Republican and Democratic parties this year, and are looking for candidates who take principled positions on issues that are important to them."
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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation
Why We Can't Afford Another Ford
20 Sep 2006
Fordspeaking.jpg"Ford has voted to outlaw gay marriage, to repeal the estate tax and, he apparently considers it more important to amend the Constitution to ban flag burning, than to push for healthcare, better jobs and better wages. Ford supports getting rid of the handgun ban in Washington, D.C. He supports the ongoing carnage for promised, but yet to be delivered, cheap oil in Iraq and argues for even more of our fine young men and women to be put in harms way. He wants to seal the border with Mexico, which would cause even more poor Mexican men, women and children to perish in our deserts and do about much to curtail immigration as Bush Junior's war has done to secure the peace in Iraq." - Richard Aberdeen
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Green Party Senate Candidate Chris Lugo Urges Inclusion in Senate Debates
18 Sep 2006
chris3.jpgNashville, TN: Green Party of Tennessee candidate for US Senate Chris Lugo is urging the League of Women Voters and other organizations sponsoring debates in Tennessee to open up the debates to all candidates on the ballot,"This is a democracy and the only way the voters can know who they are voting for is if they have a chance to see them and hear them. It is of vital importance in this important statewide election that the media not exclude candidates and thereby hand the elections over to the campaigns with the most money."
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News :: Animal Rights
PETA Calls for Federal Investigation At Vanderbilt After Whistleblowers Report
09 Sep 2006
monkey.jpgLeaked Memo Indicates That Monkeys’ Skulls Were Drilled Into While Animals Were Conscious

Nashville, Tenn. — PETA is urging the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to investigate a whistleblower complaint that experimenter Jeffrey D. Schall performed brain surgeries on macaque monkeys at Vanderbilt University without properly anesthetizing them. In addition to demanding that immediate disciplinary action be taken against Schall if he is found to have violated the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), PETA has also written to the national Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare to demand that Schall’s federal funding be revoked.
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Local Interest
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Vanderbilt University Hosts "Take Back the Night" March and Rally
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A Simple Change
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Mountains Are Forever
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Aborto: Censurado Por Defender a Vida
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Greens Warn That US Warships Nearing Iran May Provoke a Global Conflict
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Op-Ed: Arguments Over the Term "Pro-Life"
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