Savinar Solar

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News for Friday July 28th, 2006

Savinar Solar Site Updates

New Product at the Savinar Solar Store: The Lightcap


Investments, Money, and Finance

Julian Darley: A New Kind of Money
Today's money is based on the belief that it's worth
something. Crazy, no? Why not back your dollar in
sustainable energy produced in your hometown?


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Texas Blows by California in Wind Energy


In California, Installed Solar Has Increased 5,900% Since


California: New Homes Should Have Solar Panels


Northern  Ireland Microgeneration of Solar Energy to be


Turning a Pig Farm Into a Solar Power Plant


Scotland: Companies Urged Over Green Energy


Sharp's New Solar Energy System
As concern over climate change continues to grow, there
has been a noticeable rise in the number of companies that
seek to profit through the development of sustainable
technologies. This trend is perhaps most evident in the
solar cell industry. However, despite the influx of new solar
companies, Sharp, one of the industry’s original players,
continues to lead the world in solar cell production.


Solar Powered Cellular Phones Coming Soon


Which Type of Freezer is Most Energy Efficient?


Alternative Forms of Transportation

The Incredible Folding Bicycle


Who Killed the Electric Car?


Relocalization and Community Building

Restaurants Go on 100 Mile Diet


Cutting Out Fossil Fuels by Building Community


Organic Food and Alternative Medicine

Make Ice Cream with Free Energy


How to Find the Best Sustainable Food in Your Area


Homesteading and Off-the-Grid Living

Solar Electric Mowers and Tractors


Grow Great Salads Year Round


Go Solar and Save Big


Social and Political Issues

Brave New Enviros
For the first time, an African-American is at the helm of a
major green group. Is environmentalism finally breaking
free of its wealthy, white confines?


The Gas Menagerie
Is the sting of $75-a-barrel oil and the threat of World War
III exploding in the Middle East enough to convince
Congress to finally boost auto fuel economy? Probably not,
but a bipartisan coalition of senators led by Barack Obama
(D-Ill.) is launching an admirable new effort anyway -- the
Fuel Economy Reform Act.



Green Burial Movements Get Ambitious



Savinar Solar News Archive


July 10

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June 28

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June 16
Real Goods
The Navigator Solar Lantern & Radio
Amazing multipurpose device charged by solar energy!
The Kill-A-Watt
Save energy and money by monitoring
your devices' electricity consumption