Whatever Bush says is a lie? That MUST be a truth!

Monday, May 22, 2006

TRESPASSING -- A movie about nukes, a true censorship case to boot

if you have not heard of Divine Strake, then you're not alone. I don't believe it's getting much media attention. Basically it's the first American nuclear test scheduled to take place since 1992 (some say 1993). Anyway, it's been over a decade the Southwestern United States has been free from nuclear testing, until now. see for more information about the nuclear test.

"Trespassing" is a film that has been MEGA-CENSORED by all the big film festivals and everything, except Phoenix, San Francisco, and Barcelona Spain.

It has been censored by Sundance, even by the Margaret Meade film festival!!

"Trespassing" is a documentary by a man who chronicles the nuclear situation in Nevada, the Mojave Desert of California, amongst other places. He worked on this documentary for a decade!

I hope if you're reading this that you can WORK YOUR LOCAL FILM HOUSE IN GETTING IT SHOWN IN YOUR TOWN.

Movie Home Page (very hard to find by Googling so you might want to bookmark it -- by hitting control D on your keyboard, to save it in your bookmarks file):

news stories on movie:
(the making of the movie)

(censorship article)


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

No Nuclear Testing on Indian Land!


We have been hearing from activists and concerned people from as far
away as Oregon and New York who are planning on coming. There are
solidarity events being planned in Minnesota and Maine. We will shortly
be providing more information on actions that can be taken locally to
apply pressure to cancel this test.

We have updated the information on our Divine Strake page with a map and
directions, and will shortly update it with links to information on
Western Shoshone protocol. Because people are coming from so far away,
we have committed to providing camp logistics for this event, and we are
investigating the possibility of serving up to 3 simple meals at the
event. To do this we need your help. We are anticipating a large
turnout for this event. To properly prepare, we need some idea of how
many people are coming. Please email us at to
let us know you will be attending. To cover the expenses of
transporting equipment, and possibly providing meals, we need your
financial support. If each of those planning on attending were to send
us $10, we could cover these costs.

Please be generous, and help us to fund this event, as well as our lean
daily operations. Please go to our website, and
click on the "Make a Donation" button to donate through PayPal, or
click on the "Support" link at the bottom of the left sidebar for other
ways to donate. We look forward to seeing you on May 28, or hearing
about your local solidarity protests.

Thank you

Shundahai Network
P.O. Box 1115
Salt Lake City, UT 84110

Phone- 801.533.0128
Fax- 801.533.0129

Monday, May 15, 2006

Tennessee: Vigil Opposing the Execution of Sedley Alley

Tennessee Coalition to Abolish State Killing

Interfaith Service and Meditation followed by a Vigil

Opposing the Execution of Sedley Alley

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 … 9 p.m. – 1 a.m.

Riverbend Maximum Security Institute, 7475 Cockrell
Bend Blvd.

Contact: Randy Tatel, 615-473-2950 or 615-463-0070

Opponents of the death penalty may arrive beginning at 8pm … An Interfaith service begins at 9 pm running through 10 pm (Reverend Ed Sanders will deliver the evenings reflection, other faith leaders will share appropriate prayers, music, and silence) ... the vigil ensues until either a firm stay or the execution.

Sedley Alley was convicted of the 1985 murder of Suzanne Marie Collins, but significant questions about the reliability of his conviction remain. While the state possesses physical evidence that could be tested for DNA, to ascertain definitively if Sedley Alley is guilty or innocent, the state and Governor Phil Bredeson have refused to release the evidence for testing. This is despite the fact that evidence, which was withheld from the defense at trial, shows that Alley was already under police surveillance at the time of the murder.

The service and vigil are open to all who oppose executions for either moral or pragmatic policy reasons.

TCASK as an organization expects any individuals or groups of individuals attending a vigil to conduct themselves in accordance with the general principles of non-violence.

The utmost respect for the victim’s family in both conduct and statements should be shown.

Anyone making personal statements to, about, or against a guard or other RMSI employee will

be asked to leave the premises.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Shoshone Indian Nation -- The Most Bombed Nation on Earth


We have been hearing from activists and concerned people from as far
away as Oregon and New York who are planning on coming. There are
solidarity events being planned in Minnesota and Maine. We will shortly
be providing more information on actions that can be taken locally to
apply pressure to cancel this test.

We have updated the information on our Divine Strake page with a map and
directions, and will shortly update it with links to information on
Western Shoshone protocol. Because people are coming from so far away,
we have committed to providing camp logistics for this event, and we are
investigating the possibility of serving up to 3 simple meals at the
event. To do this we need your help. We are anticipating a large
turnout for this event. To properly prepare, we need some idea of how
many people are coming. Please email us at to
let us know you will be attending. To cover the expenses of
transporting equipment, and possibly providing meals, we need your
financial support. If each of those planning on attending were to send
us $10, we could cover these costs.

Please be generous, and help us to fund this event, as well as our lean
daily operations. Please go to our website, and
click on the "Make a Donation" button to donate through PayPal, or
click on the "Support" link at the bottom of the left sidebar for other
ways to donate. We look forward to seeing you on May 28, or hearing
about your local solidarity protests.

Thank you

Shundahai Network
P.O. Box 1115
Salt Lake City, UT 84110
Phone- 801.533.0128
Fax- 801.533.0129

Green Party Going Strong in Tennessee

I don't know how many of y'all in Tennessee know this, but we have some excellent Green Party candidates in Tennessee: Howard Switzer for Governor, Katey Culver for House of Representatives 7th District, and Chris Lugo for Senate (running against Harold Ford Jr and that Bryant guy).

I encourage you to check out their websites, links can be found on the Green Party of Tennessee website, and see what they're fighting for. If you think Tennesseeans are being ripped off when it comes to health care, Howard Switzer is your man for Governor; if you think that Harold Ford Jr has pandered too much to big business, instead of standing by "Democratic" principles established by FDR, Chris Lugo is your man; if you live in the 7th District, Katey Culver is running against the most corrupt Marsha Blackburn.

The only way we are going to change things in this country is to put our votes where our mouths are. Voting for Democrats based on the "the lesser of two evils" mantra is just a slower, more painful death than voting for the Republicans who at least warn you that they're going to be real jerks. So vote for those who believe in the same thing as you. Vote Green Party!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


The FDA is out there rejecting echinacea, rejecting fish oil, rejecting green tea, saying that these things have no health benefits at all. Just look at all the stuff that the FDA has rejected!!

But for all of us out here, I have one thing to say. Reject the FDA!! Remember who it is that appointed the administrator!! It is the President of the United States!

If you can't trust George Bush, why would you trust the people he appoints to head these administrations, like the FDA, USDA, EPA, etc?

You shouldn't.

We all know who they work for. They are not working for our best interest, unless you mean "shareholder" when you say "our."

So when George Bush's FDA comes out with a finding rejecting some alternative health remedy, please, for your own sake, unless you want to be hooked on 15 different drugs made by Pfizer, ignore their findings.

Friday, April 28, 2006


I am so excited!! I was begging and pleading a month ago for some inspiration; some protest songs. It's a wonderful thing we still have NEIL YOUNG with us, since my generation of musicians are asleep at the wheel.

Click here to listen to Neil Young's album for free.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Stop the Genocide of the American Indian

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking comments for its proposed nuclear waste dumping on the Goshute Indians in Utah. Your comments to the BLM are most important in putting a stop to this before the train starts rolling.


Click here to send a ready-made comment to the BLM.


According to those directly involved, it's all about QUANTITY not Quality at this point. Feel free to copy and paste this post and forward to your lists and ask your friends and family to take 30 seconds out of their day to make a difference. Tell them to click on the link here to send comments.

We need to flood the BLM. For the Indians!!

It's a human rights violation to allow the U.S. Government to dump OUR nuclear waste on the original inhabitants of this land like this.

See also:

Feel free to send your own creative thoughts to the BLM. Send to

U.S. Bureau of Land Management

Dear Ms. Schuller,

I respectfully request the BLM to deny a right-of-way for Private
Storage (PFS) to transfer or haul high-level nuclear waste across
land to the Skull Valley Goshute Reservation.

The proposed PFS project is inconsistent with BLM’s management
plan; the
project is not in the public’s interest; PFS is not qualified for
receiving a permit for the project; and PFS lacks the technical and
financial capabilities to carry out the project.

Constructing a high-level nuclear waste transfer facility next to
Interstate-80 creates a significant health and economic risk to the
region if there were an accident or intentional act of sabotage.

I, along with an overwhelming number of Utahns, and other concerned
citizens across the country, am opposed to the transportation of
high-level radioactive waste through dozens of states and its
storage in
Utah, so granting a right-of-way across public lands for those
is not in the public interest.

Over half of the utility companies that created PFS have either
out of the consortium or have announced they will not give any more
money to the project. The Department of Energy has said it cannot
contribute money to the project because it would violate federal law.
Thus, the financial capabilities to carry-out the project are in
especially if there were an accident or attack requiring significant
funds to clean-up the site.

Granting a right-of-way for the construction of a rail-line would
undermine the recent designation of wilderness in this area, and
therefore, the BLM should deny PFS’s request.

Lastly, 7,000 F-16 fighter jet flights travel over Skull Valley each
year from Hill Air Force Base to the Utah Test and Training Range.
potential for an accidental F-16 crash into the PFS facility
itself was
of major concern during the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s
licensing proceeding, leading to split decisions on the licensing
and at the NRC Commission itself. I am concerned that building an
inter-modal transfer facility at the north end of Skull Valley or
railroad tracks through Skull Valley for the storage and transport of
high-level radioactive waste would only increase the risk of an
accidental F-16 crash that could unleash catastrophic amounts of

Thank you for your consideration of my comments.


Name, Organization Affiliation If Any, Street, City, State, Zip Code

[Thanks to Jason Groenewold, Director, HEAL Utah (Healthy Environment
Alliance of Utah), for help in writing this action alert! See HEAL
Utah’s website:]