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"The true criterion of the practical, therefore, is not whether the latter can keep intact the wrong or foolish; rather is it whether the scheme has vitality enough to leave the stagnant waters of the old, and build, as well as sustain, new life." -- Emma Goldman

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Catchy little tune...

From the haze of the internet:

A friend of a friend:
I/O, I/O, It's off to disk I go, A bit or byte to read or write, I/O, I/O, I/O...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Auld Lang Syne

May all the Zombies stay at rest,
And not come eat our brains!
May all the Ghouls and Goblins not
Be 'wakened in our time!


Ok, so I've updated my personal webpage at, and also I've put my "The Holly and the Ivy" transcription there, in Lilypond format and PDF.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Relatively Busy Weekend

Busy, but productive. Saturday morning I went with PSP to do our forestry service project, which involves cutting down trees infected with either mistletoe or pine beetles (so the infection doesn't spread) or to create firebreaks (so that, in case a fire breaks out, it stays contained) and piling the results into piles so that they can be burned (the county can't sell the wood, because then they'd have to open up the area for logging, or something. Doesn't quite make sense to me, but anyway that's what they do). Afterward, I hung out with Steve and Kyle and ate pizza for about a half hour before I had to get ready to head to the Sheraton Four Points (in south Denver) for the DPO fundraiser Sweethearts Ball. The ball went OK, but the turnout was kinda low (I blame ticket prices being $35/ea). Somehow I got put in charge of the sound, and was blamed when it wasn't ready on time, despite having NO help. And then, the mixer power went out in the middle of a song (fortunately the mics weren't being used at the time) and I had to go over and try to fix it. I think someone knocked the cord out of the wall and plugged it into the wrong outlet (the outlets in that room were TERRIBLE. Half didn't even work!). Anyway, got that fixed and the rest of the concert was fine. Paid $25 to eat, and it sure wasn't worth it, at least not for me. I wanted some wine, but it was $5.50/glass, so I passed.

We also had induction for DLP last night, but since I was at the dance, I couldn't attend (I didn't even get finished much before they were done with the after-dinner, and then there was the hour drive back). We have 3 new pledges, and hopefully they will all finish their pledge periods and initiate.

Today, had lunch with Kyle after doing some financial stuff and depositing some checks for the fraternity, and then came back, let Randall borrow the homework assignment for Elementary Particles (he missed the handout), and finished reading Richard III for Shakespeare (not the Gutenberg text; I have a Dover copy, but just in case you're interested). Also, read the latest issue of Discover Magazine, applied to join the Society of Physics Students, and did my chemistry lab writeup. Still to go: dinner and DLP Meeting.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Treasure Trove!

So, it seems that Lauri is moving out (planning on moving to Italy) and that Terry isn't going to live in the house, which means that Lauri is going to have to sell it. Consequently, the piano that was in Grandma and Grandpa's house is now in my parents' house, and it came with (of course) the piano bench. Inside the bench was a whole lot of music that Grandpa had owned, dating mostly from 1890, 1900 and 1910, though some was from the 40s and 50s. There were even a couple compositions of his own! All in all, I'd estimate from 75-100 pieces of seperate sheet music and several books. Even a songbook that, presumably, had belonged to Hazel, his sister.

Needless to say, this is very exciting. The concern I have about the original compositions is that some of them indicate that 'Jimmie Crane' was the author of either the words or the lyrics. At first I thought that it must've been a friend of his, but it seems there are several popular tunes from about the right time (one of the compositions was marked '1940') by a 'Jimmie Crane.' So, I dunno. We'll see what comes of it. But there's plenty of stuff there to work on, so that makes me happy (not that I didn't have enough to work on, but still).

Friday, January 27, 2006


I'm worried about my relationship with Steve. He came all the way up to the PSP Office with me just now... only to decide that he should be going to the GLBT Resource Center instead. After saying that he was thinking he just wouldn't have lunch with me on Fridays since he comes from the 4th floor of Muenzinger and doesn't want to climb up to the PSP Office right away. Then I said that I should probably not have lunch with him on Wednesdays because I should be getting to work right after class.

In short, I'm hurting right now - granted, it's not yet a great hurt - and I'm worried.

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Holly and the Ivy

I've made a (simple) Lilypond version of The Holly and the Ivy available on Mutopia. Mutopia-2005/12/23-644

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ubuntu Is Here!

Just a quick note to anyone who's interested... the Ubuntu CDs have arrived, so let me know if you want one! I've got 8 left for PC, 2 for PPC (that's Macintosh) and 3 for 64-bit PC.