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Upcoming Events:

Sunday 10/1 12:00 AM, Southern Oregon, Prevent a Kitty Litter
Saturday 10/14 4:00 PM, Ashland, Watershed Week: Join Grandmothers and Friends in Green for protecting the watershed
Sunday 10/15 9:00 AM, Ashland, Watershed Week: Hike the proposed Mt Ashland expansion area
Monday 10/16 11:00 AM, Ashland, Watershed Week: Stop the Expansion educational outreach
Monday 10/16 7:00 PM, Ashland, Watershed Week: The film Watch, the true story of a community that prevented logging on the mountain above their town
Tuesday 10/17 5:00 PM, Ashland, Watershed Week: Stop The Expansion Rally
Wednesday 10/18 7:00 PM, Ashland, Watershed Week: Direct Action Training

Local Songwriter's Music banned

mc kean, 13.10.2006 - 10:33
Songwriter Patrick Dodd Songwriter Patrick Dodd's new video WAR EAGLE has been banned by Metacafe.
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Watershed Week - October 11-18

wild mt ashland, 06.10.2006 - 16:29
Ashlanders will gather at a series of community and educational events dubbed "Watershed Week - October 11-18" to learn about the importance of our watershed. The week's activities will galvanize citizens to protect our watershed as a source of clean drinking water, lush forests, and critical habitat for numerous plants and animals.

Our fragile watershed has been under threat since the Mt Ashland Association refused to compromise and planned to expand the Mt Ashland Ski Area into the pristine Middle Branch. The controversy around the proposed expansion of the Mt Ashland Ski Area has reached a crucial moment. The situation is dynamic and changing daily. Citizen involvement to protect our watershed and urge City Council to make sound decisions is critical at this time.
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GAO Shows Biscuit Logging Lost Money

Rolf Skar, 04.10.2006 - 13:18
Biscuit fire logging - like this on the Babyfoot Lake Trail - lost money A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released today shows the Bush administration lost taxpayer dollars by logging remote, sensitive forests after the 2002 Biscuit fire. This definitive report by the government's own watchdog group deals another serious blow to Congressman Greg Walden's post-fire logging bill now pending in Congress.
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Hope Mountain Barter Faire Oct 6, 7, & 8

DJ VJ Ter'Rence, 03.10.2006 - 16:58
Hope Mountain Barter Faire Oct 6, 7, & 8 2006
Developing Spirited & Sustainable Community thru Alternative Exchange.
Kids Village, Music & Dancing, Garden Produce Community Workshops Prayer & Celebration and more.

A story about Hope Mountain Barter Faire - provides summary of doings, logistics and philosophy
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Peter Buckley and Amy Goodman on TV 10/4/06

Rogue IMC Volunteer, 02.10.2006 - 07:30
click photo for bigger In April of last year Democracy Now! journalist Amy Goodman was interviewed by Oregon State Representative Peter Buckley and a 15 minute video was produced. This interview will be broadcast on Rogue Valley Community Television this Wednesday and is brought to Southern Oregon by OPEU District 4 Productions and Rogue IMC volunteers.

"Amy Goodman and Peter Buckley, Democracy Now! comes to the State of Jefferson"

Wednesday, October 4, 2006, 6:00 p.m.
Channel 15 - Jackson and Josephine Counties
Channel 95 - Ashland Fiber Network

The TV broadcast is two days before Amy Goodman's next visit to Southern Oregon.

Amy's Friday, 10-6-06 schedule:
5:30 p.m. KSKQ Fundraiser  http://www.rogueimc.org/en/2006/09/7253.shtml
7:30 p.m. ACLU public forum "Is the Mainstream Media Doing its Job?"
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Benefit Reception for KSKQ - Meet Amy Goodman

VJ DJ Ter'Rence, 27.09.2006 - 23:12
Amy and David Goodmans new book Join us for KSKQ's Benefit Reception with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!

Friday October 6th at Southern Oregon University's Britt Building Terrace prior to the Southern Oregon Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union Forum in the Britt Ballroom Auditorium.
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The World Can't Wait - Drive Out Bush Oct. 5

message from Larry Morningstar, 26.09.2006 - 08:00
The World Can't Wait - Drive Out The Bush Regime ~ Oct 5th ~ New Forum for Discussion of Ashland Rally Please read and share with your networks
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Emergency Mt. Ashland City Council Meeting

From Green Grandmothers and Friends, 25.09.2006 - 20:37
There is new information which with your help can save our Ashland Water Shed. The Roadless Rule has been re-instated by the federal government, and Mt. Ashland is on the list of protected roadless areas. Because the expansion project of the Mt. Ashland Association has not yet begun and almost one half of the expansion project is in the McDonald Roadless Area, there is the possibility of stopping the clear-cutting.

There will be an emergency meeting of the Ashland City Council on Tuesday, September 26th at 1:00 PM at 51 Windburn Way across from Lithia Park regarding the Mt. Ashland water shed issue.
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Roadless Rule Re-instated!

it's about time, 20.09.2006 - 13:16
In a major, sweeping decision, a federal judge in California today reinstated Clinton-era protections of 58.5 million acres of national forests.

*NOTE* This story is being made a feature on Rogue Indy in recognition of all the hard work done by forest defenders here in Southern Oregon and throughout the region we call the State of Jefferson --Rogue IMC Volunteer

(See message below from KS Wild)
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Mt. Ashland Hike on Venita Varga's 70th B-day

Venita tells her story, 17.09.2006 - 10:00
September 6, 2006 was my 70th birthday and I choose to accompany a group of 13 people of all ages, led by Eric Navickas, on the proposed Ski Expansion at Mt. Ashland site.

As a long-time peace and environmental activist, I wanted to do something memorable for my 70th. It was. Many of the younger people with me actually helped, assisted and encouraged me on the splendid, enlightening and incredible trek throughout a five-hour hike with almost no trails at all. Exhausted but happy and proud of our accomplishment, we fourteen parted at EVO's at 5:00 pm where we had met and left at 9:00 am.

I am infinitely greatful to the Universe that our beautiful Mt. Ashland watershed was still there for me to enjoy...may it continue to be there for all our descendants.

Click Any Photo Bigger
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Text WORLD CAN'T WAIT! Cave Junction, Grants Pass
08-10-2006 18:37

Image Southern Oregon Citizens Report Back on WTO
07-10-2006 17:02

Image Raw for 30 days Documentary posting from WSC
07-10-2006 13:38

Text Kill RVTV? Blame Mainstream?
05-10-2006 09:33

Text More On Hope Mountain Barter Faire
05-10-2006 00:06

Image Court Victory for FTAA Protesters (1 comment)
30-09-2006 19:11

Image Photos: Multicultural Fair
30-09-2006 15:02

Text Hike the proposed Mt. Ashland Ski Expansion
30-09-2006 07:14

Text CDC's Pelican Bay Prison Sweatshop Abuse
29-09-2006 16:00

Text Bush regime's FERC contributes to genocide (1 comment)
27-09-2006 13:53

Image Watershed Action Week! October 2-8
26-09-2006 16:57

Image Kucinich Calls For Hearings Iran Intel Lies (1 comment)
22-09-2006 10:22

Image Measures 41 & 48 Forum Monday Night in Medford (3 comments)
17-09-2006 09:31

Image TABOR education ignored by mainstream media
14-09-2006 23:50

Text Should Mickey Mouse Set the Agenda? (2 comments)
09-09-2006 07:31

Image Potential NSA wiretaps in Oregon 'Green Scare
08-09-2006 11:26

Image Biscuit: Not a Leave Tree (69 comments)
31-08-2006 10:54

Image Biscuit: Not a Riparian Reserve (7 comments)
31-08-2006 10:49

Image Biscuit: Not a Clearcut (8 comments)
31-08-2006 10:40

Image Rider Alert:: Route 4 Ends Tomorrow (1 comment)
30-08-2006 15:41

Text Tell the Troops Iraq had nothing to do w/911 (14 comments)
30-08-2006 11:10

Image Biscuit Mudslides to Shutdown Rogue Fishery (63 comments)
28-08-2006 22:45

Generic media Hike the proposed Mt. Ashland Ski Expansion (1 comment)
26-08-2006 11:31

Image Cascadia's World Heritage
26-08-2006 04:25

Text Kelsey Whisky Old-Growth Auction (3 comments)
24-08-2006 17:22

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Text The Mark Foley scandal: Where is the crime? D
12-10-2006 15:09

12-10-2006 12:50

Image Catastrophic failure
11-10-2006 02:39

Text Agent Orange is killing children
09-10-2006 12:26

Text Why Hitler had better poll ratings than Bush!
09-10-2006 12:03

Text Bush Warrantless Domestic Spying Program Rule
08-10-2006 05:17

Text 5 Levers's System
07-10-2006 11:03

Image Many in U.S. Believe Decline in Gas Prices is
07-10-2006 06:21

Image New Detainee Treatment Law Target of Constitu
06-10-2006 06:09

Generic media Labor must take the road of class struggle!
04-10-2006 07:29

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