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Need funds to keep alive
Financial report by acting treasurer
A report by J. M. Branum about the current financial situation of the Oklahoma Independent Media Center and a request for donations.

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Bob Watada to speak in Norman, Oct. 31
Father of U.S. Army 1st Lt. Ehren Watada on nationwide tour
On June 22, U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada became the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to the unlawful Iraq War and occupation.

Bob Watada, father of Lt. Ehren Watada, is currently touring the country to raise awareness of his son's courageous actions, organize support, and raise money for his defense. Public events are underway from Texas to North Carolina to New York City from October 26 to November 17.

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Environmental scorecard from League of Conservation Voters shows the percentage of votes for the environment of each elected representative.
Scores for Oklahoma Sorted by Last Name


Senator State 109th, 2nd session Score
Tom Coburn (REP) OK 29%
James Inhofe (REP) OK 0%


Representative District 109th, 2nd session Score
Dan Boren (DEM) OK-2 0%
Tom Cole (REP) OK-4 8%
Ernest Istook (REP) OK-5 0%
Frank Lucas (REP) OK-3 0%
John Sullivan (REP) OK-1 17%

related link:

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About 100 protesters gathered outside History Center in OK City, 10/9/2006, to demonstrate againt Rove-inspired and -promoted administration policies of war, corruption, lies and greed. Three counter protesters also were on hand-- a couple with a small child who told local TV that they were Bush supporters who just couldn't afford to attend the event. Those who could and did, were offered the opportunity to have their picture taken with Rove for a donation of $1000. No word on how much was raised or how many kool-aid drinkers sprung for a photo.

More photos from the event here.

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Karl Rove/Ernest Istook Demonstration
Karl Rove/Ernest Istook Demonstration
Oklahomans for fair government will meet on Monday, October 8th at the corner of NE 23rd and Laird. (East of LIncoln Boulevard - across from the Governor's Mansion) to protest the failed policies of this administration.

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Thursday, Sept.21 is the "International Day of Peace" endorsed five years ago at the United Nations. This Oklahoma City PEACE WALK will be one of many hundreds of events calling for peace around the world.

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Diverse bloggers of Oklahoma are getting together to share, learn and celebrate the medium.

related link:

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The Starbucks "investigation" of IWW member Daniel Gross concluded today with his termination after more than three years of organizing at the company.

related link:

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Film: A Lot in Common
Community Garden
A community garden grows community as well as food, flowers and consciousness in the film “A Lot in Common”. Come to a free screening of this film and join in a round table discussion about current community garden projects Saturday, July 15th at the Central Library.

A Lot in Common
Saturday, July 15th at 2:00pm
Aaronson Auditorium, Central Library
4th & Denver, Downtown Tulsa
FREE and Open to the Public

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Monday, Oct 23 2006, 1:04pm
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Vigil held on Sunday at Ft. Sill for Blake LeMoine, Dale Bartell & Neil Quentin Lucas

text Need funds to keep alive O22 10:33pm

text Bob Watada to speak in Norman, Oct. 31 O19 9:21pm

text BTL:US Sends Warships to Iran, Pre-Election Attack Possible O19 5:50am

text Did VA Hide Figures Showing 1 in 4 US Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Disabled From Service? O17 7:39pm

text Brazil: the perfect electoral crime. O14 4:54pm

text Blue Clark to speak on Return to the Earth project O12 9:58pm

text Is War with Iran the October Surprise? O12 9:16pm

text Oklahoma Senators and Congressmen all fail on enviromental scorecard O12 2:50pm

text Rove protest rally 10/9/06 O11 12:02am

text BTL:Failure of Drug War Prompts Police Officers to Advocate Legalization O8 6:20am

text The four fundamentalisms and the threat to sustainable democracy O8 12:35am

text Karl Rove/Ernest Istook Demonstration O7 9:50pm

text Doing the Wrong Thing in Afghanistan O7 11:21am

text BTL:Many in US Believe Decline in Gas Prices is Product of... O7 7:24am

text Labor Union News O6 10:26am

text FCC Destroys Report O3 1:31pm

text Please vote out John Sullivan and Dan Boren Who Tried to Criminalize Economic Boycotts O3 12:56pm

text Cherokee Citizen threatened for posting 'Unitarian Jihad' O1 12:17pm

text Karl Rove To Visiti OKC S30 12:30pm

text 2006 Fall Peace Festival S28 12:54pm

text BTL:Violence & Instability Worsens in Iraq While Bush Diverts Attention to... S21 6:59am

text BTL:Bush Warrantless Domestic Spying Program Ruled Unconstitutional S18 7:50am

text BTL:U.S. Government Cracks Down on Americans Providing Humanitarian Aid to Cuba S16 6:51am

text BTL:Human Rights Groups, Top Pentagon Officials Oppose Bush's Proposal for... S15 6:40am

text Peace Walk OKC 9/21/06 "Day for World Peace" S14 9:11pm

text Okie Blogger Round-up S14 8:35pm

text BTL:Five Years After 9/11, Taliban Fighters Regaining Strength in Afghanistan S14 8:13am

text Child Rape Has a Silver Lining for Gay People of the World-- S13 4:11pm

text PEACE HOUSE Tulsa Grand Opening! S10 8:24pm

text Potential NSA wiretaps in Oregon Green Scare case? S8 1:05pm

text Aspartame Awareness Weekend S5 12:51am

text Three Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commissioners Caught in Conflict of Interest S3 9:34pm

text Grand Opening Come Celebrate!!!! S1 1:11pm

text BTL:One Year After Katrina, Reconstruction Efforts in New Orleans... S1 5:22am

text BTL:Bush Warrantless Domestic Spying Program Ruled Unconstitutional A31 7:25am

text BTL:US Peace Activists, Iraqi Parlimentarians Promote Timetable to... A31 7:08am

text Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit A30 6:18pm

text OK Vet for Peace and Green Party Couple in Crawford! A30 2:29pm

text New! Vote Peace lawns signs now available! A30 11:08am

text "Bring The Troops Home" Lecture A29 8:08pm

text Public Screening of "Sir, No Sir" A28 2:43pm

text BTL:Corporate Media Focus on "Infotainment" Undermines Democracy A26 7:13am

text Oklahoma Sustainability Conference A23 7:29pm

text Little Birds: A Devastating Window on the War A22 4:37pm

text Oklahoma Greens to hold 5th Annual State convention A16 7:18pm

text Camp Democracy: Demonstration for Peace, Justice, A16 7:12pm

text STARBUCKS INFAMY: IWW Organizer Daniel Gross Terminated for Union Activity! A12 12:19pm

text Resuming Troops Home Fast A11 1:44pm

text Logically Obese with Religious Candy A9 4:08pm

text Film at the Circle This Sun Eve. A4 12:04pm

text Cindy Sheehan Buys 5 Acres Near Bush Ranch J31 12:11am

text THE KLEZMATICS J30 6:54pm


text All Out to Confront Nazis in Southeast Wisconsin J20 10:53am

text Ever wondered how to start a radio station? J19 4:30pm

text Chronicle of Global Resistance against the 2006 G8 Summit! J18 3:43pm


text Sir NO Sir! Shown at the Circle to benefit Peace House J15 8:32pm

text Pfc. Chris Gorman: I refuse to go back to Iraq, because this war is illegal and unjust. J13 11:56pm

text Call for Global Action Against IMF/World Bank, September 14-20 J11 10:26pm

text On Jonathan Kozol's Manifesto J11 10:16pm

text Diabetes and Depleted Uranium ll J11 2:58pm

text Film: A Lot in Common J10 4:59pm

text Diabetes and Depleted Uranium J5 12:51pm

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