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Arkansas IMC

New Report: 655,000 Iraqi Civilian Deaths Since U.S. Invasion

October 12&13:
Washington, D.C: A new report published by the Washington Post is stating that a team of American and Iraqi epidemologists have discovered that some 665,000 innocent Iraqis have died unnecessarily as a result of the U.S. invasion and occupation of that country since March of 2003. While the report points out that much of this is due to the sectarian violence which continues to escalate in that country, it makes clear that none of it would have occurred had the United States not invaded. Read more here.

New York: Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the anti-immigration vigilante group known as The Minutemen abruptly cut off a debate which was being conducted between himself and a student organizer from Columbia University Wednesday morning on Democracy Now. The Minuteman group is currently attempting to cut off federal funding to the university due to a protest which occurred when Gilchrist was speaking there recently. Democracy Now has the interview here.


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News :: Protest Activity


The protest in Little Rock, AR was productive even though we did not have as many protestors. I was on a major local radio station the night before at 8pm telling listeners the time and place and 100 flyers went out with the major paper the morning of but we didnt get any participation from those. Half the people that showed up were people who emailed me about the event the night before and had just found out about it. We had problems getting a permit from the city Thursday so just went on to the capital and started it. The events coordinator for the capital came out and said he couldn't give us his opinion on what we were doing but we were welcome anytime and could just call him and tell him we were coming. Even the capitol patrol cop gave us the thumbs up.


Commentary :: War

The March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean - Part 2

There is an evident military build-up of conventional, ground, air, naval, and nuclear forces in and around the Middle East and Central Asia.


Commentary :: War

The March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean - Part 1

cryingeaglel_triumph_of_evil.jpgThe probability of another war in the Middle East is high. Only time will tell if the horrors of further warfare is to fully materialize. Even then, the shape of a war is still undecided in terms of its outcome.


Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

A Personal Declaration of Independence

I refuse to accept as my government actions by the current administration and its obsequious servants, the Republican Congress and the Republican Senate.


News :: Civil & Human Rights : Globalization

To save the planet from the imperialist threat

alba-02.jpgThe right to live in peace, justice and dignity for all.


Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

The Courts and Congress Will Not Halt the Surveillance Programs of Hereditary Kings

The Bush administration is pushing legislation to legalize its vast spy operations on the American people. Can we depend on Congress to defend our rights? Do not count on it!


Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights


846192.jpgEditor's note: The following article, originally published on August 30 is somewhat out of date in that Mexico's presidential election has been decided by that country's election tribunal in favor of conservative candidate Felipe Calderón. Still, the supporters of López Obrador yet cry out for justice and the struggle against tyranny is yet unfolding in Oaxaca. Mexico's future remains very uncertain.


News :: International Relations

Washington intensifica sus actividades de espionaje

1_bootonface.gifEL nombramiento del veterano agente de la CIA Jack Patrick Maher como “jefe de misión” de inteligencia para Cuba y Venezuela, por el director de los servicios de espionaje de EE.UU., John Negroponte, y las declaraciones procedentes de Washington en relación con esa decisión, demuestra la intensidad de las actividades de la CIA contra territorio cubano e implica una próxima ampliación de sus acciones destinadas a penetrar la sociedad cubana a partir de la Sección de Intereses de La Habana.



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