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The IMF: Shrink it or Sink it
The IMF: Shrink it or Sink it: A Consensus Declaration and Strategy Paper
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Norway cancels illegitimate debt
Friday, 06 October 2006

In its forthcoming national budget for 2007 the Norwegian government will propose to the Parliament (Stortinget) to cancel NOK 520 million of official debts from Ecuador, Egypt, Jamaica, Peru and Sierra Leone.

The claims originate from the Norwegian Ship Export Campaign (1976-80).

- This campaign represented a development policy failure. As a creditor country Norway has a shared responsibility for the debts that followed. In cancelling these claims Norway takes the responsibility for allowing these five countries to terminate their remaining repayments on these debts, says Minister of International Development, Erik Solheim.

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A Siamese Tragedy: the Collapse of Democracy in Thailand
Friday, 29 September 2006

tankBy Walden Bello*

The military coup in Thailand a week ago marked the second high profile collapse of a democracy in the developing world in the last seven years.  The first was the coup in Pakistan in October 1999 that brought General Pervez Musharraf to power.  Like the coup in Thailand, that coup was popular with the middle class.  As in Thailand, the military was expected to vacate power soon after it ousted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.  Six years later, Musharaff and the army are still in power.
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Focus on the Global South's Statement on the Coup in Thailand
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Focus on the Global South views the recent military takeover of government in Thailand as a most regrettable setback in the country’s democratization process.
The rationale for the takeover – that Thai society has become divided as never before in the nation’s history, and that the threats of violence require measures to maintain peace and security – may be an accurate reflection of the current political and social situation. Undoubtedly, corruption and arrogance on the part of the Thaksin Shinwatra government undermined democracy and the Constitution, and it led people to challenge the legitimacy of the regime. However, the usurpation of power and trampling of rights and liberties by a group of officers calling themselves the Democratic Reform Council is in no way justifiable.

Indeed, before the coup, there were already attempts to resolve the political crisis by democratic participation within the framework of the Constitution. These were forestalled by the military intervention.
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International People's Forum organizers celebrate successful forum and share plans for ways forward
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Press Statement by the Organisers of the International Peoples Forum vs IMF-WB
Asrama Haji Batam Centre, Batam, Indonesia

Today we conclude the International Peoples Forum vs. the IMF and World Bank (IPF), which was convened in Batam from September 15th to17th. Over 500 Indonesians participated in the Forum as did around 200 individuals from 25 countries representing at least 100 organisations.

The IPF, like other similar fora, has successfully demonstrated to the world that many diverse civil society organisations and social movements can meet in peace and unity, and have meaningful, in-depth and informed discussions on the policies and practices of International Financial Institutions (IFIs). Despite the many hindrances suffered by IPF convenors and participants in organising and traveling to the Forum, we met in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation to share information, insights and strategies on critical issues facing communities and peoples affected by World Bank and IMF operations.

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Sunday, 10 September 2006

Final Report of the International Civil Society and Parliamentary Peace Mission to Lebanon

September 10, 2006


At the height of the Israeli bombardment of Lebanon, a call came from civil society groups in that country asking the international community to send peace delegations to bear witness to the ongoing destruction of a nation and  demonstrate solidarity with the Lebanese people in their hour of need.

Having worked with many of these groups to hold an international peace conference in Beirutin 2004, Focus on the Global South took the initiative in putting together such a delegation. It took about ten days to assemble the delegation. By the end of the first week of August, a 12-person Civil Society-Parliamentary Peace Mission was ready to go. Members of the mission came from a diverse spectrum, both in terms of background and geographically. The mission included two farmers, one labor leader, two members of parliament, one journalist, two university professors, and three civil society activists. They came from India, the Philippines, Norway, France, Brazil, and Spain. Everyone was self-funded.

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Singapore Government Decision - Too Little Too Late!
Monday, 18 September 2006

thumb_no-voice 16 September 2006 Batam, Indonesia


The organizers of the International People's Forum (IPF) in Batam, Indonesia boycotting the official events of the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank in Singapore will continue this boycott despite the Singapore government's September 15 press statement that it will now allow 22 of 27 officially blacklisted individuals to enter the country.

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Statement on the Ban on Civil Society Organizations Entering Singapore
Friday, 15 September 2006
By Focus on the Global South, Sept. 15, 2006

Focus on the Global South condemns, in the strongest terms possible, actions by the Singapore Government to ban, hold, detain, deport, or harass representatives of civil society organizations and social movements who have tried to enter the island-state to participate in activities related to the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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IMF-World Bank

News and Reports on the IMF/World Bank Meetings in Singapore 

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