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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Protest Activity

Bradley Protest Watched by Homeland Security

As about 15 activists with Seacoast Peace Response held anti-war signs outside Congressman Bradley's offices, two homeland security officers waited nearby.


News :: Civil & Human Rights : Durham-UNH : Media : Right Wing

A Good Professor Under Attack By Conservative Newspaper!

Recently a New Hampshire newspaper printed a story revealing what happens when editorial staff and reporters working together not with good journalism in mind, but to defame someone whose political ideas they did not agree with. The Union Leader published a series of articles and editorials in the hopes of having University of New Hampshire professor William Woodward investigated by the UNH's Board of Trustees and perhaps dismissed.

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News :: Peace : Protest Activity : Right Wing : War

Anti-Bush March Shakes Kennebunkport

Peace activists filled the streets of Kennebunkport on Saturday, raucously chanting and drumming through downtown and rallying at the checkpoint outside the Bush compound.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Live Free or Die – What kind of Rally is this?

The small town of Jaffrey, NH made national headlines when an event titled the “First Annual Live Free or Die Rally” made the Anti-Defamation League watch list of white supremacist events.

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Commentary :: Environment : Media

A Review of An Inconvenient Truth

I was urged to see An Inconvenient Truth by an activist friend of mine. She wrote me in all caps, so she really must have meant it.

If you want a clear explanation of the science surrounding global climate change, this is certainly it. It's worth seeing for this alone, despite it's flaws. Gore's presentation is clear and well-articulated; the images of environmental holocaust and its horrific human consequences do inspire one to take action; and oh the graphs, so many graphs. It's flaws, however, are certainly present.

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News :: Elections & Legislation : Protest Activity

The Karl Rove Republican Fundraiser and Battle Royale

Who in the White House knew about New Hampshire republican phonejamming during the 2002 election? How high up does the scandal go? Could republican strategist Karl Rove have been involved?

And even more importantly, if you could have Karl Rove wrestle anyone in a no-holds barred Battle Royale, who would you pick? I went to Manchester, a city where people like their wrestling, to find out.



News :: Globalization

Maine Social Forum Summer Update!

As the longest day of the year passes us by we are coming closer and closer to the first ever Maine Social Forum. This historical event will be an amazing opportunity to teach, learn, and grow the movement for social change here in Maine. Through a series of events, workshops, and panels organized by folks in Maine focusing on issues that are particular to us we will ask ourselves is “another Maine is possible?!”


Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

The city of Portsmouth attempts to censor The Portsmouth Halloween Parade

From a founding member of "The Portsmouth Halloween Parade."

I think it’s absurd, this attempt to have the Halloween parade be anything other that what already is.

The overwhelming response to the ridiculous notion to "tone down" the Halloween Parade and make it a generic tasteless piece of crap event has proven once again that Portsmouth is made up of citizens that will not tolerate any infringements on their right to free speech and expression. This is a good and simple example that our civil liberties are more likely to be eroded under city ordinances than state or federal laws.

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In my view, there are limitations to academic freedom and freedom of speech…I believe it is inappropriate for someone at a public university which is supported with taxpayer dollars to take positions that are generally an affront to the sensibility
-- Judd Gregg, R-NH

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