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Z End Zine

Subject: Z End Zine
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 08:53:53 -0400 (EDT)

Z End Zine
(Link inactive 31 August 2004)

Z End Zine is a literary lifestyle magazine featuring short 
fiction by new and emerging writers. The emphasis is on 
literary fiction but genre works (Gay, SciFi, Horror & 
Crime) are also included. The magazine is available online 
only as a webzine and it is published monthly free of 
charge. Also included are travel articles and reviews of 
wines, movies and books.

Z End Zine is published by Kieran Galvin and has a staff 
team of 15 volunteers, including specialist editors. It is 
open to unsolicited submissions. It is primarily aimed at 
and educated but not academic market. The general editor 
says that fiction featured in Z End Zine should be 
accessible and accomplished.


General Editor - Kieran Galvin

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