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Television & New Media

Television & New Media

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Television & New Media is a new international journal devoted to the most
recent trends in television and new media studies.

TNM addresses questions of how issues of economics and power are enacted in
television. The journal focuses on textual analysis, political economy,
cultural history, policy advocacy, audience ethnography, and economic and
power issues that have an impact on the media.

Some of the articles and theme issues covered in the journal include: the
past, present, and future of television; digitalization; the new
international division of cultural labor; political and economic
sovereignty; active audiences; cable and satellite issues; language;
religion; pedagogy; pornography; privacy; free speech; supply-and-demand web
pricing; program history; public broadcasting; neo-classical economics and
political economy; globalization; cybertarianism; violence; convergence
between web and TV ownership; hacking; the psy-complexes; and social
categories of race, indigeneity, diaspora, gender, class, age, sexuality,
disability and nation.

Television and New Media is international in scope, in keeping with the
global nature of much media output.

In each issue you will find the following sections:

    * ''In Focus'' - comprised of related full-length papers.
    * ''Editorial'' - Toby Miller discusses a particular current issue.
    * ''Prime Time''- provides a forum for rapid responses to new policy,
textual, and other matters.
    * ''Book-Review''- presents the latest information on literature in the

ISSN: 1527-4764


Toby Miller
University of California at Riverside

Content available by subscription.
Abstracts available online. Articles available in PDF format.
Current Issue: November 1 2004, Volume 5, No. 4

Date: 4 Nov. 2004

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