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Thirdspace: the Journal for Emerging Feminist Scholars

Thirdspace: the Journal for Emerging Feminist Scholars

Publisher: thirdspace

Our mandate is to raise the profile of feminist scholars and 
scholarship; offer emerging feminist scholars more opportunities for 
professional development; share information related to the politics of 
graduate school and careers in academia; and contribute to building a 
more collegial - and more productive - academic community. We want to 
act now to develop skills and networks that will serve this community of 
emerging scholars that will become a vital part of the academic 
establishment in the future.

To this end we designed an online journal that can be accessed easily 
and with little cost by most emerging scholars and others who have 
access to university libraries and computer labs.

To build a community as well as an academic resource, we have developed 
two sides to thirdspace: the journal and the chora community. We aim to 
produce a top-quality, refereed journal that demonstrates the broad 
range of applications for feminist theory and methodology, as well as 
gives emerging feminist scholars a venue for their work. Besides 
articles, the journal will contain essays, editorials, book reviews, and 
new books in print. The chora side will include special reports, 
research notes, relevant Internet resources, and a portal for our 
listserv, chora-l. We welcome submissions in English, French, German, 
Spanish, and Arabic; we will also consider submissions in other languages.

We encourage the submission of work from emerging scholars (graduate 
students, postdoctoral fellows, new independent scholars, and junior 
professionals) for the journal side of thirdspace, as well as research 
notes, links, and other resources for chora. The editors will continue 
to develop thirdspace as a primary resource for emerging scholars and 
invite any suggestions and contributions from that community.

ISSN: 1495-8513

c/o K. Snowden
#6 - 2526 West 4th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V6K 1P6

Email: or

Thirdspace is available free of charge as an Open Access journal 
on the Internet.

Articles available online.

Current Issue: volume two issue two (March 2003)

Date: 17 Mar 2004

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