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Reference Services Review

Subject: Reference Services Review
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 10:05:45 -0500 (EST)

Reference Services Review
(Link inactive 3 January 2006)
(Link active 3 January 2006)

ISSN  0090-7324

Since it’s launch over 25 years ago, Reference Services Review has been
dedicated to the enrichment of reference knowledge and the advancement of
reference services. It prepares its readers to understand and embrace
current and emerging technologies affecting reference functions and
information needs of library users. From the automation of reference
services to the evaluation of reference sources and models for delivering
more effective reference services, Reference Services Review provides
indispensable guidance - in whatever type or size of library you work. It
is a quarterly, peer reviewed journal currently published by MCB
University press of the UK. Electronic access (PDF or HTML)  is available
with a print subscription. Contact MCB Univeristy
Press( (Link inactive 3 January 2006)) for subscription 


Editor: Ilene Rockman

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