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Mathematics: preprints

Subject: Mathematics: preprints
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:24:59 -0400 (EDT)

Mathematics: preprints

Mathematics preprints on the server (since 2/92)

Subject Classes

    AG - Algebraic Geometry (new, recent, find) 
    AT - Algebraic Topology (new, recent, find) 
    AP - Analysis of PDEs (new, recent, find) 
    CT - Category Theory (new, recent, find) 
    CA - Classical Analysis (new, recent, find) 
    CO - Combinatorics (new, recent, find) 
    CV - Complex Variables (new, recent, find) 
    DG - Differential Geometry (new, recent, find) 
    DS - Dynamical Systems (new, recent, find) 
    FA - Functional Analysis (new, recent, find) 
    GN - General Topology (new, recent, find) 
    GT - Geometric Topology (new, recent, find) 
    GR - Group Theory (new, recent, find) 
    HO - History and Overview (new, recent, find) 
    IG - Infinite Group Theory (new, recent, find) 
    KT - K-theory (new, recent, find) 
    LA - Linear Algebra (new, recent, find) 
    LO - Logic (new, recent, find) 
    MP - Mathematical Physics (new, recent, find) 
    MG - Metric Geometry (new, recent, find) 
    NT - Number Theory (new, recent, find) 
    NA - Numerical Analysis (new, recent, find) 
    OA - Operator Algebras (new, recent, find) 
    OC - Optimization and Control (new, recent, find) 
    PR - Probability Theory (new, recent, find) 
    QA - Quantum Algebra (new, recent, find) 
    RT - Representation Theory (new, recent, find) 
    RA - Rings and Algebras (new, recent, find) 
    SC - Scientific Computation (new, recent, find) 
    SP - Spectral Theory (new, recent, find) 
    SG - Symplectic Geometry (new, recent, find) .

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and distribution server for research papers. Covered areas include physics
and related disciplines, mathematics, nonlinear sciences, computational
linguistics, and neuroscience. 

Users can retrieve papers from the archive either through an on-line world
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In addition, the archive provides for distribution list maintenance and
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For information on any of these facilities, see the table of contents for
help topics.

Disclaimer: Papers will be entered in the listings in order of receipt on
an impartial basis and appearance of a paper is not intended in any way to
convey tacit approval of its assumptions, methods, or conclusions by any
agent (electronic, mechanical, or other). We reserve the right to reject
any inappropriate submissions. 

This archive should not be used to distribute non-technical information
(such as news or information about political causes of potential special
interest to the academic community). Submissions of an abstract without an
accompanying paper will be rejected outright.

These archives are based upon activities supported by the U.S. National
Science Foundation under Agreement No. 9413208 (1 Mar 1995 thru 28 Feb
2000) with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and by the U.S. Department
of Energy. 


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