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Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 15:47:22 GMT
Subject:  MacSense

Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 11:19:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lisabeth King <lisabeth>
Subject: MacSense

MacSense: The Macintosh E-Zine

MacSense: The Macintosh E-Zine is a monthly electronic magazine which
focuses on the mainstream Macintosh computer market.  Each issue of
MacSense details the most significant news stories in the world of
Macintosh computing and explores how these new developments will affect
every-day Mac users.  Packed with vibrant color graphics and in-depth
product reviews, it is the founding goal of MacSense to shed light on a
rapidly evolving industry.  Moreover, because MacSense is created and
distributed electronically, it is the most environmentally friendly
method of publishing!

If you enjoy MacSense: The Macintosh E-Zine and would like a free
subscription, please send e-mail requests to 
For more information, please see the 'Get Info' chapter of our most
recent issue. 

Companies wishing to advertise in MacSense can send e-mail messages
requesting the MacSense Rate Card to 

Volume 2, Issue 4 May 1995

            The Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC 
            Power Computing Unveils Mac Clone Trio 
            Apple Reorganzies&hellip;Again
            Apple Receives Kudos, Announces Earnings 
            Apple New Product Roundup
                  The LC 630 DOS Compatible 
                  LC 580 
                  StyleWriter 1200 
                  QuickTake 150 
                  AppleCD 600e 
                  New Work Group Servers, AppleShare 4.1 
                  Internet Server Packages 
            Apple Revamps PowerBook 150 
            QuickDraw GX Updated... Again! 
            Direct Customer Support via eWorld 
            Apple Canada Bundles Photoshop, PageMaker 
            Apple Releases Open Transport to Developers 
            Apple Digital Music Roundup
                  New Interactive Music Track Added To Multimedia Program 
                  QuickTime Music Tools 
                  New QuickTime Continuum 
                  Apple New Media Forum World Tour '95 
                  Recording Artist and Labels Working with Apple
             Microsoft-Intuit Merger challenged 
             Adobe PrePress Roundup
                  Adobe SuperATM 3.8 Ships 
                  Adobe PrePrint Pro 1.0 Ships 
                  Adobe PrintCentral 4.0 Ships 
                  Adobe Color Central 2.5 Announced 
                  Adobe Teams with AGFA to offer Workflow Solution
            Adobe Acrobat Roundup
                  Netscape to incorporate Acrobat Technologies 
                  IBM Allies with Adobe on Acrobat 
                  FrameMaker 5 Advances Support for Acrobat
            MacroMedia Graphic Design Studio 
            Disinfectant 3.6 Released 
            Claris FileMaker Pro 2.1 Server and Emailer 1.0 
            ConflictCatcher 3.0 
            Canada's First All Newton Store Opens in Toronto 
             Kodak Roundup
                  Kodak and Adobe 
                  Kodak and IBM 
                  Kodak and Hewlett Packard 
                  Kodak and Microsoft 
                  Kodak Build-It Photo CD Portifolio Software 
                  Kodak DC 40 Camera
            Every End, a New Beginning
      Letters to the Editor
            Microsoft's World 
            Clone Encounters 
            High Praise 
            Software Politics 
            QuickCam Clarification 
      Clone Roundup 
      Getting Started With AppleScript (1/3) 
      Tech Support Tales
            A Hare Raising Experience 
      About This Macintosh... 
                  MacInTax (Federal 1040) 1994
      The Dilletante
             Plugged In
            Innovation Lost... And Found
      Get Info
            Coming Soon: 
            To Contact MacSense 
            Where to find MacSense 
            Subscription Information 
            A Note to Vendors 
            Mac Sense Rate Card 
            et al. 

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