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Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation

Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation

Publisher: Elsevier

A forum that includes basic science, the failing heart, and advanced lung
disease. The Official Publication of the International Society for Heart &
Lung Transplantation. Full Text Online FREE to ISHLT members and paid
personal subscribers at

The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation brings readers essential
clinical information about the rapidly evolving field of cardiopulmonary
transplantation, support, and replacement.

Peer-reviewed articles cover topics that include:

donor management; assist devices and artificial hearts; immunosuppressive
therapies; preoperative and postoperative evaluation; new techniques in
noninvasive diagnosis and treatment of post-transplant complications;
outcome analyses; socioeconomic and ethical aspects of transplantation.

The journal's scope also addresses all aspects of advanced diseases of the
heart and lungs, and includes articles with new insights into the
immunology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management of heart failure and
advanced lung disease. In addition, the journal has expanded its coverage in
the rapidly maturing field of nontransplantation cardiac surgery for
advanced cardiac disease.

ISSN: 1053-2498

The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation will now be using an online
manuscript submission and peer review system called Editorial Manager.
Please see the new Information for Authors and additional guidelines for the
submission of manuscripts online at


James K. Kirklin, MD
739 Zeigler Research Building
703 South 19th Street
Birmingham, AL 35294-0007

Phone: 205-975-2200

Content available by subscription. Sample issue available online.
Abstracts available online. Full-text available in HTML and PDF.
Current Issue: Volume 24, Issue 1 (January 2005)

Date: 2 Feb. 2005

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