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Journal of Robotic Systems

Subject: Journal of Robotic Systems
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:34:48 -0400 (EDT)

Journal of Robotic Systems

ISSN: 1097-4563

The Journal of Robotic Systems publishes archival papers in all aspects of
basic and applied research on the analysis, design, realization, and use
of robots, robot components, and robot systems. The Journal places
particular emphasis on publishing research contributions in emerging
fields of robot system design and integration. 

The study of robotic systems is the theory and methodology common to all
collections of interacting, functional units that together achieve a
definite purpose. Practically, it is concerned with the engineering design
of interrelated, flexible automation units in addition to the basic
problems of individual robots and robot components. 

The basic robotic topics are, broadly defined, mechanics, control, and
sensor design. Mechanics includes the design and structure of
manipulators, arms, end-effectors, hands, locomotion, vehicles, and
peripherals; actuators, power, and energy storage; and kinematics,
dynamics, and simulation. Control includes both theory (electrical and
mechanical control, optimization of spatial paths, and task planning) and
implementation (hardware and software). Sensors includes design of sensors
and sensor systems and algorithms for sensory data acquisition and

Topics specific to systems may be classified by complexity level: robot
level (integration of mechanical, controller, and sensory components); 
robot-cell level (integration of robots, peripherals, cell control, and
local area network; applications and "taskware"; interface with human
operators); and robot-plant level (integration of robot cells, plant
environment, CAD/CAM interaction, and planning and implementation of
computer integrated flexible manufacturing). 

Robot systems have become increasingly more complex. Advances are still
being made in the basic disciplines of mechanics, control, and sensors. 
However, there are emerging fields in robotics that are less conventional. 
The Journal of Robotic Systems places particular attention on the
publication of such articles in a section entitled Emerging Fields. This
section will publish two or three articles in each issue in the newer
fields of robot system design. 

Available by subscription only.


Editor: Gerardo Beni

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