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Journal of Ethnopharmacology

Cynthia Reid wrote:
From: "Cynthia Reid" <>
Subject: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 14:57:32 -0500

Journal of Ethnopharmacology
(Link inactive 6 December 2004)

Content available to subscribers at:
(Link active 6 December 2004)

The Journal of Ethnopharmacology publishes original articles concerned with
the observation and experimental investigation of the biological activities
of plant and animal substances used in the traditional medicine of past and
present cultures. The journal will particularly welcome interdisciplinary
papers with an ethnopharmacological, an ethnobotanical or an ethnochemical
approach to the study of indigenous drugs. Reports of anthropological and
ethnobotanical field studies fall within the journal's scope. Studies
involving pharmacological and toxicological mechanisms of action are
especially welcome. Clinical studies on efficacy will be considered if
contributing to the understanding of specific ethnopharmacological problems.

Ethnopharmacologists, Medicinal Chemists, Pharmacologists, Toxicologists,
Anthropologists, Pharmacognosists, Ethnobotanists, Economic Botanists,

Subscribers can download full-text articles in PDF format.  Abstracts can be
viewed in HTML format without a subscription.

Editor:  D.D. Soejarto

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