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International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

The scope of the International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
comprises such subjects as original research on all aspects of analytical
work related to environmental problems such as analysis of organic,
inorganic and radioactive pollutants in air and water; determination of
harmful substances, including their metabolic breakdown products; and
analytical methods for metabolic breakdown patterns or other chemical
degradation patterns in the environment and in biological samples.

The journal also covers the development of new analytical methods or
improvement of existing ones useful for the control and investigation of
pollutants or trace amounts of naturally occurring active chemicals in the
environment, or methods that help to gain more insight into our environment.
Development, modification and automation of instruments and techniques with
potential in environment sciences are also part of the journal.

The fields of science covered with regard to analytical aspects include
organic and inorganic analytical, applied physical, pharmaceutical and
agricultural chemistry, biochemistry, radiochemistry, geochemistry, food
chemistry etc. Owing to the interdisciplinary nature of this journal, it
will also include certain topics in the fields of medical science (health
sciences), toxicology, forensic sciences, oceanography, food sciences,
biological sciences and other fields that in one way or another contribute
to the knowledge of our environment and for this purpose have to make use of
analytical chemistry.

ISSN Print 0306-7319

Professor J. Albaigés
Department of Environmental Chemistry
Jordi Girona Salgado
08-34 Barcelona

Content available by subscription. Free sample issue available online.
Current Issue: Volume 84, Number 12 / October 15, 2004 

Date: 11 Nov. 2004

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