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Interventions: the International Journal of Postcolonial Studies

Interventions: the International Journal of Postcolonial Studies

Aims and Scope: 

Interventions: the International Journal of Postcolonial 
Studies is a specialist journal focusing on the following 
aspects of postcolonial research, theory and politics: 

 The histories of imperialism and colonialism 
. The role of culture (academic, literary and popular) in 
the operation of imperialism and in the formations of 
national resistance 
. Liberation struggles, past and ongoing 
. The role of religion and culture in new nationalisms 
. The contemporary politics of identity  race and 
ethnicity  gender and sexuality 
. The economics of neo-colonialism 
. Diaspora and migrancy 
. Indigenous fourth-world cultures 
. The connections between colonialism and modernity, 
postcolonialism and postmodernism 

The assumption guiding the editorial policy of 
Interventions: the International Journal of Postcolonial 
Studies will be that a journal, while representing a 
disciplinary field, can also make effective interventions 
within it - interrogating, shaping and extending it without 
seeking to dictate.

General Editor: Robert Young

Publication Details: 
Volume 4, 2002, 3 issues per year 
ISSN 1369-801X 

Internet Marketing Assistant: Claire Arnott

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