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International Journal of Astrobiology


From: (Vance Bell)
Subject: International Journal of Astrobiology
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 14:13:07 -0500 (EST)

International Journal of Astrobiology

ISSN 1473-5504

The International Journal of Astrobiology will act as an important forum
for practitioners in this rapidly expanding field.  Coverage includes
cosmic prebiotic chemistry, planetary evolution, the search for planetary
systems and habitable zones, extremophile biology and experimental
simulation of extraterrestrial environments, life detection in our solar
system and beyond, intelligent life and societal aspects of astrobiology.


Lynn Rothschild, NASA-Ames Research Center, USA
Alan Penny, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,UK

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Managing Editor: Simon Mitton, University of Cambridge

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