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Health Affairs

Health Affairs

Publisher: Project HOPE - The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.

Health Affairs is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated 
to the serious exploration of major domestic and international health 
policy issues. Health Affairs places special emphasis on pursuing issues 
that are of concern to and engage both the private and the public 
sectors. Further, we encourage private and public decisionmakers–those 
who often generate creative ideas but seldom advance them in a form for 
publication–to contribute papers.

The unique goal of Health Affairs is to incorporate in one publication 
the diverse viewpoints and perspectives of the health sphere–industry, 
labor, government, and academe–in a way that benefits everyone who reads it.

Health Affairs authors should direct their papers to a diverse national 
audience interested in present and future health policy issues. New 
data, reports of major new trends, and serious proposals for reform are 

The focus of Health Affairs articles is on policy implications, not 
elaborate discussions of methodology and data sources. Thus, we ask 
authors to keep discussion of data and methods brief. However, the data 
and methods must be adequately assessed in the peer review process. For 
this purpose, if a study's data and methods cannot be explained 
adequately in a brief discussion, we encourage authors to provide more 
methodological detail in the form of an appendix or other explanatory 
section for review purposes only.

Frequency: Number of issues per year is six with additional supplements. 
Online-only material is posted weekly on average. Published since 1981, 
the full journal archives are available online at 
Pages published in 2003 total 2,428, including Supplements.

ISSN: 0278-2715

Donald E. Metz, Executive Editor
Health Affairs
Suite 600
7500 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814-6133


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access to Tables of contents, abstracts, e-alerts, full-text searching, 
and access to a selection of full-text content at no cost and without 
having to register.


Current Issue:  March/April 2004 - Volume 23, Number 2

Date: 14 April 2004

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