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NewJour: H

Last Update: Mon Aug 28 15:00:01 2006
509 message on this page.

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List of Titles Beginning With:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - non-alpha
  • Der Hautarzt (09/24/1997)
  • H$IGH Investment Club Newsletter (10/16/1995)
  • H-Net Review Project (04/26/1996)
  • H.I.S. Focus; An Information Newsletter for Health Care (06/03/1996)
  • H.pylori News (04/05/1997)
  • H30 - Hawaiian Heavy Water Magazine (09/22/1995)
  • Habitat Debate (10/31/2005)
  • Habitat International (09/19/2000)
  • Hadashot Arkheologiyot/Evacuations & Surveys in Israel (HA-ESI) (04/26/2006)
  • Haema (08/01/2001)
  • Haemophilia (07/24/2001)
  • Haemostasis (09/29/1998)
  • Haemotologica (07/01/1996)
  • Hagar (12/14/1997)
  • Hagerstown Town & Country Alamanack (09/28/1996)
  • Haiti Info (07/30/1995)
  • Half Drunk Muse (06/23/2005)
  • Halifax Magazine (05/20/1998)
  • Halifax Review (04/12/2006)
  • Hallux (05/13/1999)
  • Hambrew (12/24/1995)
  • Hamburg Review of Social Sciences (HRSS) (08/21/2006)
  • Han Wei Wushu! Newsletter (07/22/2001)
  • Handheld PC Online (06/09/1999)
  • Handicap Digest (07/22/2001)
  • Hands On! (05/18/2006)
  • Hangyoreh21 Weekly (08/30/1995)
  • Happy Healthy & Wealthy Weekly (01/17/1999)
  • Happy New Year 1996! (12/31/1995)
  • Haptics-e (02/03/2002)
  • HardC.O.R.E. (03/14/1997)
  • Hardwood Magazine (05/28/1996)
  • Hardy-Ramanujan Journal (08/12/2005)
  • HarlemLive (01/14/2001)
  • Harm Reduction Journal (12/15/2004)
  • Harmful Algae (11/22/2004)
  • Harmonic Harvest Newsletter (10/16/1995)
  • Harper's Magazine (05/29/2002)
  • Harrow: Original Works of Fantasy and Horror (09/20/2005)
  • Harvard Advocate (10/06/1995)
  • Harvard AIDS Letter (03/15/1999)
  • Harvard AIDS Review (03/15/1999)
  • The Harvard Brain (11/04/1998)
  • Harvard Business Review (12/01/1995)
  • Harvard Computer Review Online (07/30/1995)
  • Harvard Divinity Bulletin (12/17/2004)
  • Harvard Health Letter (05/29/2002)
  • Harvard Human Rights Journal [Open Access] (12/08/2004)
  • Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics (09/08/2003)
  • Harvard International Review (05/29/2002)
  • Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies (05/29/2002)
  • Harvard Journal of Law & Technology (03/06/1996)
  • Harvard Latino Law Review (05/29/2002)
  • Harvard Medical Area Electronic Publications (07/30/1995)
  • Harvard Mental Health Letter (05/29/2002)
  • Harvard Political Review (03/11/1996)
  • Harvard Review of Psychiatry (05/31/1999)
  • Harvard Science News (06/02/1998)
  • Harvard Science Review (06/01/1998)
  • Harvard Theological Review (11/08/2002)
  • Harvard Women's Health Watch (05/30/2002)
  • Hastings Law Journal (05/30/2002)
  • Hastings Women's Law Journal (10/13/1995)
  • Hautarzt, Der (02/18/1998)
  • Hawai'i Island's Magazine (03/20/1998)
  • Hawaii Astronomy Online Newsletter (07/22/2001)
  • Hawaii Business (05/30/2002)
  • Hawk (11/29/1995)
  • Hawwa: Journal of Women in the Middle East and the Islamic World (09/15/2004)
  • Hazard (01/05/1998)
  • Hazardous Substances & Public Health (07/30/1995)
  • Hazardous Waste News (05/30/2002)
  • HazMat Transport News (05/30/2002)
  • Head & Face Medicine (08/30/2005)
  • Head & Neck (12/04/2001)
  • Headache Currents: A Journal for Recent Advances in Headache and Facial Pain (09/27/2004)
  • Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain (10/05/2004)
  • Headbone Educational Gazette (04/08/1999)
  • Headlines (01/07/1998)
  • Healhty (06/09/1999)
  • Health (01/23/2000)
  • Health & Fitness Magazine (07/22/2001)
  • Health & Longevity (06/04/1996)
  • Health & Nutrition Breakthroughs (02/28/1999)
  • Health & Place (09/18/2000)
  • Health & Social Care in the Community (07/22/2001)
  • Health Administrator [Open Access] (12/08/2004)
  • Health Affairs (04/14/2004)
  • Health After 50 (06/04/1996)
  • Health and Environment Review (10/18/1996)
  • Health and Medical Informatics Digest (03/29/1996)
  • Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (09/09/2003)
  • Health and Science Bulletin (10/21/2003)
  • Health and Social Care in the Community (09/22/2004)
  • Health Care Analysis (05/30/2002)
  • Health Care and Informatics Review Online (06/21/2005)
  • Health Care Financing Review (01/26/1996)
  • Health Care for Women International (01/14/2001)
  • Health Care Journal (05/16/1999)
  • Health Care Management (05/05/1998)
  • Health Care Management Science (05/23/2005)
  • Health Care News Server (03/04/1998)
  • Health Data Management (09/19/2000)
  • Health Economics (12/04/2001)
  • Health Economics, Policy and Law (HEPL) (04/13/2005)
  • Health Education (07/20/2005)
  • Health Education and Behavior (05/30/2002)
  • Health Education Research (03/14/1998)
  • Health Ethics Today (10/06/2003)
  • Health Expectations (10/13/2004)
  • Health Facilities Management (01/07/1998)
  • Health I.G. News (05/19/1998)
  • Health in Perspective (07/30/1995)
  • Health Informatics Journal (02/08/2006)
  • Health Information and Libraries Journal (07/22/2001)
  • Health Information on the Internet (06/20/1999)
  • Health Information Services Focus (11/26/1996)
  • Health Information Systems and Telemedicine (07/22/2001)
  • Health Innovations Magazine (05/12/1996)
  • Health Law in Canada (07/25/2003)
  • Health Management Technoloyg (01/31/1997)
  • Health Manpower Management (07/27/1997)
  • Health Measures (05/05/1998)
  • Health on the Internet (02/07/1996)
  • Health Physics (07/09/1996)
  • Health Policy (09/19/2000)
  • Health Policy and Planning (03/14/1998)
  • Health Promotion International (03/14/1998)
  • Health Promotion Practice (01/17/2000)
  • Health Psychology (07/11/2006)
  • Health Research Policy and Systems (03/18/2004)
  • Health SA Gesondheid: Interdisciplinary Research Journal (03/08/2004)
  • Health Service Journal (04/09/1996)
  • Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology (05/30/2002)
  • Health Services Research Journal (04/11/1996)
  • Health Statistics Quarterly (10/31/2003)
  • Health Stream Newsletter (07/15/1998)
  • Health Transition Review (08/01/1997)
  • Health, Risk and Society (05/30/2002)
  • HealthAtoZ News (09/01/1996)
  • HealthBeat Report (04/15/1996)
  • Healthcare Informatics (05/05/1998)
  • Healthcare Review (06/04/1996)
  • Healthcare Review Online (07/03/1998)
  • HealthE-zine (07/20/1999)
  • Healthology (06/03/1999)
  • Healthy Headstart (05/09/2002)
  • Healthy Ideas (01/08/1999)
  • Healthy Living Online (07/09/1997)
  • Healthy Times (05/01/1998)
  • Healthy Tips Newsletter (11/28/1998)
  • Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise (11/23/1997)
  • Heard in Rome (09/27/1997)
  • hEARd Magazine (10/18/1996)
  • Hearing Research (09/19/2000)
  • Heart (02/10/1999)
  • Heart & Home Newsletter (02/14/1999)
  • Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care (08/05/2005)
  • Heart & Soul (03/24/1998)
  • Heart Failure Reviews (05/30/2002)
  • Heart Rhythm (11/29/2004)
  • Heart Surgery Forum (11/18/2003)
  • Heart, Lung and Circulation (12/27/2005)
  • Heartline (05/25/1996)
  • HeartLinx (11/06/1999)
  • Hearts At Home Newsletter (02/08/1997)
  • Hearts for Hearts' Sake Newsletter (05/12/1997)
  • HeartWeb (06/04/1996)
  • Heat and Mass Transfer (08/11/1997)
  • Heat Transfer - Asian Research (12/04/2001)
  • Heat Transfer Engineering (01/17/2001)
  • Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning Magazine (10/28/1997)
  • HeavenTek Magazine (09/01/1996)
  • Hebrew & Jewish Software Newsletter (01/12/1999)
  • HEC Forum (06/03/2002)
  • Heights of Galilee (09/06/1997)
  • Heizung Lueftung/Klima Haustechnik (02/19/1998)
  • Helicobacter (08/02/2004)
  • Helios (07/09/1997)
  • Heliotropia (09/06/2005)
  • Hellenic Atlantic Treaty Association Review (01/10/1999)
  • Hellenic Journal of Cardiology (10/27/2003)
  • Hellenic Orthodontic Review (01/09/2006)
  • Helsinki Charter (11/15/2005)
  • Helsinki Monitor: Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe (08/18/2004)
  • Helsinki University Library Bulletin (11/22/2005)
  • Helvetica Chimica Acta (06/03/2002)
  • Hematology (05/15/2003)
  • Hematology and Cell Therapy Electronic Edition (08/11/1997)
  • Hematology Journal (01/13/2005)
  • Hematology, The ASH Education Program Book (11/15/2001)
  • Hemingway Review (06/03/2002)
  • Hemodialysis International (10/14/2004)
  • Henry James Review (04/04/2000)
  • Hepatology (10/21/1998)
  • Hepatology Research (09/19/2000)
  • HEPNet News Newsletter (06/25/1998)
  • HEPROC Resources (Archives/Networking for Higher Education) (03/19/1996)
  • Her Health Online (02/14/1999)
  • Herbarium News (02/26/1999)
  • HerbNews (12/04/1997)
  • Herbs to Your Health (05/19/1998)
  • Hereditas (10/18/2004)
  • Heredity (07/22/2001)
  • Heritage at Risk: ICOMOS World Report on Monuments and Sites in Danger (07/06/2005)
  • Heritage Journal (12/21/2004)
  • Heritage Newsletter (08/09/2005)
  • Heritage Post Interactive (07/30/1995)
  • Hernia (08/11/1997)
  • Heroic Age: a Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe (12/20/2004)
  • Herpes (01/23/2004)
  • The Hersh Web Site Observer OnLine (05/26/1998)
  • Herz - Kardiovaskulare Erkrankungen (06/05/2002)
  • Heuresis (04/13/1998)
  • Hewlett-Packard Journal (08/08/1998)
  • Heythrop Journal (06/05/2002)
  • Hi-Growth Journal Newsletter (07/08/1999)
  • Hi-Tech Bulletin (03/14/1997)
  • Hi-Tek Report (The) (07/30/1995)
  • HICNET Medical News (03/14/1997)
  • High Ability Studies (06/05/2002)
  • High Altitude Medicine and Biology (03/13/2000)
  • High Blood Pressue & Cardiovascular Prevention (06/16/2005)
  • High Court Review (10/18/1996)
  • High Energy Chemistry (06/29/2006)
  • High Energy Density Physics (01/30/2006)
  • High Energy Physics - Experiment: preprints (09/03/1998)
  • High Energy Physics - Lattice (09/03/1998)
  • High Energy Physics - Phenomenology: preprints (09/03/1998)
  • High Energy Physics - Theory: preprints (09/03/1998)
  • High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine (11/15/2001)
  • High Performance Polymers (02/13/1996)
  • High Pressure Research (05/16/2003)
  • High School Journal (06/05/2002)
  • High Tech Journal (05/16/1999)
  • High Tech Traveler (05/16/1999)
  • High Technology Careers Magazine (01/02/1996)
  • High Technology Law Journal (03/06/1996)
  • High Temperature (11/19/2004)
  • High Temperature Materials Information Analysis Center. (10/20/1996)
  • High-Tc Update (02/28/1997)
  • High-Tech News Roundup (02/23/1999)
  • Higher Education (06/05/2002)
  • Higher Education in Europe (05/16/2003)
  • Higher Education Perspectives (02/10/2005)
  • Higher Education Policy (06/05/2002)
  • Higher Education Quarterly (06/05/2002)
  • Higher Education Research and Development (05/16/2003)
  • Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation (06/05/2002)
  • Highest Common Factor (07/12/1997)
  • Highlander Web Magazine (01/28/1996)
  • HiN: International Review for Humboldtian Studies (07/17/2006)
  • Hinduism Today (11/30/1995)
  • Hints from Hieran (01/25/1999)
  • Hipertexto (05/25/2006)
  • Hippocampus (10/16/2001)
  • Hippocrates (07/24/1997)
  • Hiroshima Mathematical Journal (03/07/2005)
  • Hispanic (05/31/2001)
  • Hispanic American Historical Review (09/19/2000)
  • Hispanic Business (06/05/2002)
  • Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (01/23/2000)
  • Hiss Quarterly (08/03/2005)
  • The Histochemical Journal (01/26/1998)
  • Histochemistry and Cell Biology (08/12/1997)
  • Histopathology (06/10/2002)
  • Historia (01/22/2004)
  • Historia Actual On-Line (02/25/2005)
  • Historia Constitucional: Electronic Journal of Constitutional History (04/21/2006)
  • Historia Mathematica (02/15/1997)
  • Historia, Ciencias, Saude - Manguinhos (10/28/2002)
  • Historian (09/28/2004)
  • Historic Traveller (03/31/1998)
  • Historical Biology, An International Journal of Paleobiology (09/29/1998)
  • The Historical Journal (05/04/1998)
  • Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television (09/19/2000)
  • Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory (01/26/2005)
  • Historical Research (06/10/2002)
  • Historical Sociolinguistics and Sociohistorical Linguistics (06/13/2001)
  • Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences (07/14/2004)
  • Historiography East and West (05/18/2005)
  • History (09/19/2000)
  • History & Memory (09/19/2000)
  • History and Anthropology (05/16/2003)
  • History and Philosophy of Logic (01/17/2001)
  • History and Philosophy of The Life Sciences (05/16/2003)
  • History and Technology (05/16/2003)
  • History and Theory (09/19/2000)
  • History Australia (12/17/2004)
  • History Compass (05/28/2004)
  • History in Focus (06/10/2002)
  • History Journals News (12/01/1999)
  • History of Australian Science Newsletter (10/18/1996)
  • History of Education (01/17/2001)
  • History of European Ideas (05/06/2000)
  • History of Intellectual Culture (10/27/2003)
  • History of Medicine Online (01/20/2004)
  • History of Meteorology (04/17/2006)
  • History of Photography (05/16/2003)
  • History of Physics Newsletter (02/09/1998)
  • History of Political Economy (09/12/2003)
  • History of Psychiatry (04/11/2005)
  • History of Religions (06/07/2006)
  • The History of the Family (09/19/2000)
  • History of the Human Sciences (01/23/2000)
  • History Reviews On-Line (07/30/1995)
  • History Today (09/19/2000)
  • History Workshop Journal (06/21/2004)
  • Histos (04/12/1998)
  • Hit-N-Miss (12/15/1998)
  • Hitmakers - Weekly Top40 Radio & Music Industry Magazine (02/08/1997)
  • HIV Electronic Media Information Review (07/30/1995)
  • HIV Frontline (02/11/1998)
  • HIV Journal Club (05/07/1997)
  • HIV Medicine (10/19/2004)
  • HIV Plus (01/17/1999)
  • HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report (12/22/1996)
  • HIV; An Electronic Media Information Review (07/30/1995)
  • Hmong Studies Journal (04/06/2006)
  • HMS Beagle (02/11/1997)
  • HNOnline (06/04/1996)
  • HockeyNet Magazine (07/25/1996)
  • Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal (06/10/2002)
  • Hog Outlook (08/16/1997)
  • Hogs and Pigs (04/24/1997)
  • Hollywood Reporter (06/10/2002)
  • Holocaust and Genocide Studies (09/08/2003)
  • Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal (08/28/2006)
  • Holzforschung (12/10/2003)
  • Home Based Business Press (03/16/2000)
  • Home Based Online Marketing News (01/17/1999)
  • Home Biz Cyber Weekly (06/02/1996)
  • The Home Business Files (10/18/1998)
  • Home Business Magazine (11/23/1997)
  • Home Business News (02/16/1999)
  • Home Business Newsletter (09/11/1998)
  • Home Canning Online (08/31/1996)
  • The Home Doctor (06/30/1997)
  • Home Farm (01/16/1997)
  • Home Grown Business News (03/14/1998)
  • Home Health Care Management & Practice (07/08/2005)
  • The Home Office Commuter (05/20/1998)
  • Home Textiles Today (09/19/2000)
  • HomeBiz News EZine (01/19/1999)
  • Homefires Hearth (10/24/1999)
  • Homeopathic Internet Resources List (07/30/1995)
  • Homeopathy (01/17/2006)
  • Homeopathy Online (03/31/1998)
  • Homepage Helpers (10/04/1998)
  • Homeword (09/10/1998)
  • Homicide Studies (01/23/2000)
  • Homily Service: A Journal of The Liturgical Conference (04/20/2005)
  • HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology (12/27/2004)
  • Homology, Homotopy and Applications (05/04/1999)
  • Honduras This Week (06/02/1996)
  • Hong Kong Journal of Neuphrology (02/05/2004)
  • Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry (01/06/2004)
  • Hong Kong Journal of Social Work (HKJSW) (08/02/2005)
  • Hong Kong Journal of the Social Sciences (05/02/2001)
  • Hong Kong Medical Journal (02/05/2004)
  • Hook (09/05/1996)
  • Hoop Editions Cyberzine (03/10/1996)
  • Hootenanny (07/30/1995)
  • Hopkins HIV Report (03/31/1998)
  • Hopscotch (09/19/2000)
  • HoriZons (10/18/1996)
  • Horizons (06/13/2006)
  • Horizontes Antropologicos (01/13/2006)
  • Hormone Research (09/29/1998)
  • Hormones and Behavior (02/15/1997)
  • Horn Book Magazine (06/10/2002)
  • Horror Films Online Newsletter (02/16/1999)
  • Horse Lovers of the World (03/16/1999)
  • Horse News (05/04/1999)
  • Horse Previews Magazine (08/28/1995)
  • Horse Zone (07/25/1997)
  • Horticulture & Home Pest News (04/24/1997)
  • Horticulture Online (07/04/1998)
  • Hortulus: The Online Graduate Journal of Medieval Studies (09/27/2005)
  • Hospital Medicine (07/24/1997)
  • Hospital News (09/22/1995)
  • Hospital News of Florida (06/03/1996)
  • Hospital Pharmacist (01/13/2004)
  • Hospital Pharmacy Practice (02/16/1998)
  • Hospitality Design (05/31/2001)
  • Hospitals & Health Networks (02/05/1998)
  • Host (10/21/1997)
  • Hot Echo (08/04/1998)
  • Hot Flashes (07/30/1995)
  • Hot Flashes/Library News (04/22/1996)
  • The Hot Star Newsletter (03/14/1997)
  • Hot Stocks Review (07/30/1995)
  • Hot Travel Deals (03/09/1999)
  • Hotel and Motel Management (09/20/2000)
  • HotFlash (08/31/1996)
  • - Coolnews (09/02/1998)
  • HotSeat (05/16/1999)
  • HOTT -- Hot Off The Tree (07/30/1995)
  • Hounds Online (03/03/1998)
  • House Beautiful (09/20/2000)
  • Houses (01/05/1998)
  • Housing Policy Debate (06/06/2006)
  • Housing Studies (04/26/1998)
  • Housing, Theory and Society (05/16/2003)
  • Houston Business Journal (09/20/2000)
  • Houston Law Review (06/10/2002)
  • Houston Lawyer (06/10/2002)
  • How Now (02/19/1997)
  • How2 (11/28/1999)
  • Howard Journal of Communications (01/17/2001)
  • Howard Journal of Criminal Justice (06/10/2002)
  • The HowToWeb Update (11/03/1997)
  • Hoya Technical Research Bulletin (HTRB) (06/23/2004)
  • HPB: The official journal of IHPBA (05/16/2003)
  • HPCwire (07/30/1995)
  • HR Focus (09/20/2000)
  • HSR: Health Services research (01/26/1996)
  • HTM (high tech marketing communications) (12/28/1995)
  • HTML Assistant Newsletter (07/30/1995)
  • HTMNEWS (07/30/1995)
  • Hua Xia Wen Zhai (12/04/1995)
  • Hubris: An e-Gazette of the Arts (05/12/2000)
  • Hudson Review (08/24/2006)
  • Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies (03/17/1998)
  • Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (08/16/2005)
  • Human and Experimental Toxicology (05/11/1998)
  • Human Antibodies (11/18/2004)
  • Human Biology (09/16/2003)
  • Human Brain Mapping (10/16/2001)
  • Human Communication Research (04/08/2004)
  • Human Development (09/29/1998)
  • Human Dimensions of Wildlife (05/16/2003)
  • Human Ecology (06/10/2002)
  • Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing (10/16/2001)
  • Human Fertility (06/10/2005)
  • Human Gene Therapy (05/11/1999)
  • Human Genetics (08/13/1997)
  • Human Genome News (02/28/1997)
  • Human Heredity (09/29/1998)
  • Human Immunology (05/17/1999)
  • Human IT (06/14/1997)
  • Human Molecular Genetics (10/12/1997)
  • Human Movement Science (09/20/2000)
  • Human Mutation (10/16/2001)
  • Human Nature (11/18/2003)
  • Human Pathology (04/24/2006)
  • Human Physiology (05/23/2006)
  • Human Psychopharmacology (10/16/2001)
  • Human Relations (01/23/2000)
  • Human Relations, Authority and Justice (02/02/1997)
  • Human Reproduction (03/14/1998)
  • Human Reproduction Update (02/02/1996)
  • Human Resource Development International (05/19/2003)
  • Human Resource Development Review (05/09/2006)
  • Human Resource Management (06/11/2002)
  • Human Resource Management International Digest (08/12/2004)
  • Human Resource Management Review (09/20/2000)
  • Human Resources for Health (12/04/2003)
  • Human Rights & Human Welfare: An International Review of Books and Other Publications (07/26/2005)
  • Human Rights Brief (07/30/1995)
  • Human Rights Case Digest (06/11/2002)
  • Human Rights Law Review (10/27/2005)
  • Human Rights Quarterly (04/04/2000)
  • Human Rights Watch World Report (10/17/1999)
  • Human Studies (06/19/2002)
  • Human Systems Management (06/24/2002)
  • Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments (05/12/2005)
  • Human-Computer Interaction: preprints (11/08/1998)
  • Humanist Discussion Group (10/18/1997)
  • Humboldt Forum Recht (02/11/1996)
  • Humboldt Independent (01/24/1996)
  • Hummingbird Lovers Of The World (03/16/1999)
  • Humor (11/13/2003)
  • Hungary Report (07/30/1995)
  • The Hungary Report (07/02/1997)
  • Hungry Mind Review (07/18/1996)
  • The Hungry Soul (08/31/1997)
  • Huntington Library Quarterly (06/25/2004)
  • Husserl Studies (06/24/2002)
  • hvg online (02/20/1997)
  • Hybridoma (03/13/2000)
  • Hydro1 (09/22/2000)
  • Hydrobiologia (06/24/2002)
  • Hydrocarbon Online (08/10/1998)
  • Hydrocarbon Processing (09/20/2000)
  • Hydrological Processes (10/16/2001)
  • Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) (03/02/2005)
  • Hydrometallurgy (09/20/2000)
  • HydroWire (07/06/1998)
  • Hygeia (04/23/1996)
  • Hygenia - An Online Journal for Pregnancy and Neonatal Loss (06/04/1996)
  • Hygiea Internationalis: an Interdisciplinary Journal for the History of Public Health (12/15/2004)
  • HYLE: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry (10/21/1997)
  • Hypatia (09/16/2003)
  • Hype (03/30/1997)
  • Hyper@ctive (07/30/1995)
  • Hyperfine Interactions (08/26/2005)
  • HyperJournal (07/30/1995)
  • HyperLaw Report (04/22/1996)
  • Hypermedia Joyce Studies (04/08/1996)
  • Hypermode (04/29/1999)
  • Hyperski; the On-Line Magazine for Skiing and Snowboarding (01/06/1997)
  • Hypertension (10/26/1998)
  • Hypertension Canada (01/14/2004)
  • Hypertension Research (01/21/2004)
  • Hypertension, Dialysis, and Clinical Nephrology (HDCN) (06/04/1996)
  • HyperZine (07/30/1995)
  • (03/29/1999)
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