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Global Fund News

Cynthia Reid wrote:
From: "Cynthia Reid" <>
Subject: Global Fund News 
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 02:13:08 -0400

Global Fund News

Global Fund News is a publication targeted at investment fund executives
that breaks news worldwide on the fund industry. The newsletter delivers
market intelligence, which is a valuable tool for fund companies.
Every other Monday, Global Fund News' reporters in New York, London and Asia
dig up news on product offerings, marketing and distribution strategies,
regulatory developments, cross-border alliances and the retail pension

Plus, Global Fund News offers these regular features:

-Fund World is an in-depth profile of a country's retail investment market,
including the main products, major domestic and foreign players,
distribution channels and regulation.
-Regulatory Alert tracks by country key regulatory proposals affecting the
fund industry.
-Search Directory lists search and hire activity for sub-investment and
advisory mandates for retail funds and defined contribution plans.
-Distribution Directory alerts readers to new distribution outlets and which
distributors are looking for third-party funds to sell to their customers.
-Web Sightings flags interesting fund company and regulatory Web sites.

Audience: senior management, marketers and product development executives at
fund companies, banks and insurance companies, as well as fund distributors,
custodians, administrators, defined contribution marketers, consultants,
auditors, lawyers and technology firms serving the fund industry.

Full-text articles are available in HTML format.

Executive Editor: Wendy Connett

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