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Folia Biologica: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology

Folia Biologica: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology

Publisher: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

ISSN: 0015-5500

Submission of a paper implies that it reports unpublished work and that 
it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Full-lenght 
papers, short communications, and occasionally review articles are 
published. All contributions must be in English. All manuscripts (the 
original and two copies, including three sets of tables and figures), 
should be sent to:

Professor Jan Bubeník, M.D., Executive Editor, The Editorial Office
Folia Biologica (Praha)
Flemingovo nám. 2
166 37 Prague 6
Czech Republic

Folia Biologica is available free of charge as an Open Access
journal on the Internet.

Abstracts available online. Articles available in PDF format.

Current Issue: Volume 50 (2004) No. 3-4

Date: 6 Jan. 2005

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