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European Journal of Pediatrics

James Renfro wrote:
From: James Renfro <>
Subject: European Journal of Pediatrics
To: (NewJour)
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 16:02:42 -0400 (EDT)

European Journal of Pediatrics

This electronic version of the European Journal of Pediatrics is the  
Official Organ of the Belgian Pediatric Association. It incorporates Acta 
Paediatrica Belgica, Helvetica Paediatrica Acta, and Acta Paediatrica 
Hungarica. Some articles appearing in Vol. 156 Issue 7 include: "The 
attitude against immunisation within some branches of complementary 
medicine", "The value of MRI in diagnosing vascular abnormalities causing 
stridor", and "Management with a staged approach of the premature 
hydropic fetus due to complete congenital heart block".

Full-text articles are provided in Adobe Acrobat portable document format 
(PDF files) and are available for download to subscribers to the Journal. 
Abstracts are provided in html and are accessible free of charge.

Subscription information for North America. Recommended annual
subscription rate: approx. US $1948.00(single issue price approx. US
$192.00), including carriage charges. Subscriptions are entered with
prepayment only. 

ISSN print edition 0340-6199
ISSN electronic edition 1432-1823

Managing Editor: J. Spranger

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