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European Journal of Physics

Forwarded message:
From: "James O'Donnell" <>
Subject: European Journal of Physics
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 01:09:02 -0500 (EST)

European Journal of Physics

This is an Institute of Physics Journal (UK).  One can get a print
journal or a WWW version via a subscription to the publisher.  All
contact information can be found at

The journal deals with education and scholarly studies in physics and
closely related sciences at university level.  It publishes original
contributions in the following categories: articles of a reflective
nature that bear on the fundamentals of physics or physics education;
articles of a pedagogical nature on particular topics in physics and
articles relating to the teaching of physics; articles on education
policies in physics and their implementation; articles on the cultural,
historical, social and technological implications of physics and its
relation with other disciplines; original research in such well
established fields as require no specialized terms to convey the

UK Prices 
Institution L224.00 
Single issue L37.35 
Microfiche L168.00 

US Prices 
Institution $461.00 
Single issue $76.90 
Microfiche $346.00 
ROW Prices 
Institution L224.00 
Single issue L37.35 
Microfiche L168.00 

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