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Digital Urology Journal

Digital Urology Journal

Note: Merged with TSW Urology.;=293
(Link active 10 February 2006)

A Peer-Reviewed Journal of Adult and Pediatric Urology 
on the World Wide Web. The Digital Urology Journal welcomes 
original didactic or research articles relevant to physicians and 
scientists in the area of urology.  Access to articles is free.

The Digital Urology Journal welcomes original didactic or research 
articles relevant to physicians and scientists in the area of urology. 
Manuscripts and queries should be sent to the Editor at the address below. 
All manuscripts are reviewed by selected experts in appropriate 
specialities. All manuscripts are subject to editing. Manuscripts are 
accepted for publication with the understanding that they become the 
permanent property of the Digital Urology Journal and may not be published 
elsewhere without the written permission of the Editors of the Digital 
Urology Journal.

Editor-in-Chief: Anthony Atala, M.D.  E-Mail:

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