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Dance Ink

Dance Ink

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 23:17:42 GMT
Subject:  Dance Ink

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 11:29:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: Directory of E-Journals <>
Subject: Dance Ink
(Link inactive 29 April 2004)

[Dance criticism.  Full-text WWW version of print publication.]

[Table of Contents, Winter 1994/95 issue]

       A Man of the Cloth 
       Check Your Body at the Door 
       Emile Ardolino 
       Eros and the Moderns 
       Jonathan Burrows 
       Lotte Berk 
       Man Ray 
       Neil Greenberg 
       The Pleasure Principle 
       Saul Steinberg 
       Ten Things

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