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Criminal Justice Review

Criminal Justice Review

Publisher: SAGE Publications in association with Georgia State University,
College of Health and Human Sciences

Criminal Justice Review (CJR) is a scholarly journal dedicated to presenting
a broad perspective on criminal justice issues within the domestic United
States. CJR provides a forum for social scientists to report research
findings for informed policy making with respect to crime and justice
through innovative and advanced methodologies.

The journal provides an overview of law and crime and justice within the
United States. It focuses on any aspect of crime and the justice system and
can feature local, state, or national concerns.

As a peer-reviewed journal, CJR encourages the submission of articles,
research notes, commentaries, and comprehensive essays that focus on crime
and broadly defined justice-related topics. Both qualitative and
quantitative pieces are encouraged, providing that they adhere to standards
of quality scholarship.

CJR seeks communication among disciplines in an effort to disclose valuable
scholarly materials for the purpose of knowledge enhancement. CJR welcomes
criminal justice and criminology scholars to submit their research on the
United States who are interested in the development and improvement of
public policy on crime and the justice system, along with various other
related practices. 

Material Published:

* Articles
* Book reviews
* Book review essays
* Research notes
* Comprehensive essays
* Legal updates
* Commentaries

Relevant Topics:

* Corrections
* Policing
* Courts and procedures
* Juvenile justice
* Legal issues
* Criminological issues
* White collar/corporate crime
* Family/domestic violence
* Critical criminology

Print ISSN: 0734-0168


Michael S. Vaughn, Ph.D.
Criminal Justice Review
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4018
Atlanta, GA 30302-4018

Phone: 404-651-3688
FAX: 404-651-3658

Content available by subscription.

Abstracts available online. Articles available in PDF format.

Current Issue: Spring 2004, Volume 29, No. 1

Date: 22 August 2005

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