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Comptes Rendus Chimie

Comptes Rendus Chimie

Publisher: Elsevier

Formerly known as  Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIC -

The journal Comptes Rendus Chimie covers the following fields in Chemistry,
among which arre included the specific fields:

* Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
* Thermodynamics and Kinetics
* Electrochemistry and Photochemistry
* Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
* Organic and Organometallic Synthesis
* Physical Organic Chemistry
* Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
* Molecular Inorganic Chemistry
* Macromolecular Chemistry
* Solid State Chemistry and Crystal Chemistry
* Metallurgical Chemistry
* Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
* History of Chemistry

Articles presented are originals notes describing briefly an important
discovery, short review papers or historic chronicles.

The Comptes Rendus Chimie aim at keeping a high scientific level and a prime
position among the rapid-publication scientific reviews. The scientific
quality of articles is guaranteed by international peer-reviewing.

The periodicity of this series, 12 issues per year, allows rapid
publication. You will be able to read articles about scientific discoveries,
two or three months after their acceptation. Articles are written either in
English or in French and are compulsory accompanied by a synthesis in
English and its translation in French.

Texts come from the entire international community and distribution of the
journal is regularly widening thoughout the world, with an increasing number
of readers and authors, especially in countries where the contributions to
scientific advancements are particularly active.

ISSN: 1631-0748


P. Braunstein
Université Louis Pasteur
Laboratoire de chimie de coordination
UMR 7513 du CNRS
4 rue Blaise Pascal
67000 Strasbourg cedex, France


Content available by subscription. Sample issue available online.
Abstracts available online. Full-text available in HTML and PDF.
Current Issue: Volume 7, Issues 10-11 (October-November 2004)

Date: 11 Nov. 2004

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