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Clinical and Experimental Optometry

Clinical and Experimental Optometry

Note: Publication of our journals from 2006 will now be accessed via 
Blackwell Publishing.
(Link active 24 January 2006)

Publisher: Optometrists Association Australia

Clinical and Experimental Optometry publishes original research papers 
and reviews in vision science, optics and clinical optometry. It is the 
scientific journal of Optometrists Association Australia, the New 
Zealand Association of Optometrists, and the Hong Kong Society of 
Professional Optometrists, and has been published continuously for over 
eighty years. The journal is published six times a year. Online access 
is free.

Clinical and Experimental Optometry publishes original full-length 
articles, major reviews, short reports of case histories and 
photoclinics, letters to the editor and other items of educational 
interest. All manuscripts are peer reviewed and are subject to 
editorial revision. 

The Editor: Prof H Barry Collin

Date: 8 Jan 2004

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