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City is the journal of the new urban studies. It looks at 
cities and their futures from many perspectives including 
those of the information revolution, the environment, the 
local, global, and multi-cultural. It is concerned with 
policy and action as well as theory and analysis. City is 
multi-disciplinary with contributions from academics in 
geography, the social sciences, planning, cultural studies 
and the humanities. The journal’s overall perspective is 
holistic, and also draws on a wide range of work from 
practising architects, ecologists and planners.

Editors: Ash Amin, Manuel Castells, Bob Catterall, Michael 
Edwards, Mark Gottdiener, Kevin Robins, Sophie Watson, 
Jianfei Zhu 

Publication Details: 
Volume 6, 2002, 3 issues per year 
ISSN 1360-4813 

ISSN 1360-4813

Internet Marketing Assistant: Claire Arnott

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