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Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on

Cynde Reid Gustafson wrote:
From: "Cynde Reid Gustafson" <>
Subject: Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 22:04:07 -0500

Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
(Link inactive 26 April 2004)
(Link active 26 April 2004)

Most Recent Contents:

- A 1.0 Gb/s BiCMOS multi-channel optical interface transmitter and receiver
chip set for high resolution digital displays
- ASIC design of color control driver for LCOS (liquid crystal on silicon)
micro display
- Consumer electronics application and coverage constraints using bluetooth
and proposed bluetooth evolution technologies
- Connectivity solution to link a bluetooth camera to the internet
- Recursive metric for NTSC interference rejection in the ATSC-HDTV trellis
- E-VSB - an 8-VSB compatible system with improved white noise and multipath
- A novel IQ imbalance compensation scheme for the reception of OFDM signals
- Motion vector composition algorithm for spatial scalability in compressed
- An overview of flaws in emerging television displays and remedial video
- New driving scheme for improving color temperature of plasma display panel
- One dimensional conversion of color temperature in perceived illumination
- Optimal television scanning format for CRT-displays
- MPEG-2 video transmission using the HIPERLAN/2 WLAN standard
- Fast carrier frequency offset compensation in OFDM systems
- Timing phase estimator overcoming rayleigh fading for OFDM systems

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