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The Chronicle of Higher Education

Subject: The Chronicle of Higher Education
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 21:41:48 -0500 (EST)

The Chronicle of Higher Education

This World-Wide Web site is a service of The Chronicle of Higher
Education. Published weekly, The Chronicle is the No. 1 news source for
college and university faculty members and administrators. A subscription
to The Chronicle includes free access to all of this Web site and to daily
electronic-mail updates. 


The Chronicle's services on the Internet include:

A daily briefing on developments in higher education, sent by
e-mail, with full reports available on the Web site. 
Reports on developments in information technology
of interest to faculty members and administrators, including
links to Internet resources for higher education. 
Daily updates on grant opportunities. 
The full text of the current issue of The Chronicle, available every
Monday morning and fully searchable.

An archive of more than eight years of The Chronicle, fully searchable.
The job announcements from The Chronicle, available every Friday morning,
before the printed newspaper is even mailed. 

The above services are available to subscribers. Some parts of the site
are free to all. They include:

Colloquy, an open forum on issues in higher education. 
Job announcements from the previous issue of The Chronicle. 

In addition, you will find that some articles, especially those about
information technology, are free to non-subscribers. 

To contact the Chronicle's editorial staff, surf to:

To send electronic mail to the Chronicle, surf to:

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