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Critical Reviews in Neurosurgery

Subject: Critical Reviews in Neurosurgery
To: (NewJour)
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 16:43:59 -0400 (EDT)

Critical Reviews in Neurosurgery

This electronic version of the print journal of the same name is published
by Springer Berlin Heidelberg. The journal seeks to publish informative,
analytic and synthetic critiques of the most recent publications directly
related to our specialty. These are written for those who must know the
content and value of clinical and investigative papers, but who do not
have the time to read everything pertinent to neurosurgery. 
Each critical review provides detailed Information regarding the content
of 4-6 recently published articles, followed by an objective Analysis of
their value and scientific methodology. In the Synthesis, the reviewer
expresses freely his perspectives, weaving the cumulative messages of the
individual publications into a meaningful, positive critique. 

Articles are published in Adobe Acrobat portable document format and are 
available to subscribers by means of a password. No password is required 
to view article abstracts, which are published as html documents.

Subscription Information:

-North America: Recommended annual subscription rate: approx. US $ 451.00
 (single issue price: approx. US $ 87.00) including carriage charges. 
 Subscriptions are entered with prepayment only. 
-All other countries: Recommended annual subscription rate: DM  598.00 
 plus carriage charges.

ISSN: 0939-0146 (printed version)
ISSN: 1433-0377 (electronic version)

Publications Coordinator: A.J. Raimondi

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