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Business & Society

Subject: Business & Society
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 10:44:24 -0500 (EST)

Business & Society


Business & Society publishes the most outstanding scholarship on social
issues and ethics and their impact and influence on organizations. In this
fast-growing, ever-changing, and always challenging field of study,
Business & Society is the only peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted
entirely to research on and discussion and analysis of the relationship
between business and society. 

Wide-ranging in scope, Business & Society presents the latest theory,
empirical research and analysis of the ways in which business and society
affect each other. Topics covered include:

business ethics and values · business and government relations · corporate
governance · corporate social performance · environmental management ·
environmental issues · international dimensions of business and society

The on-line edition is a reproduction of the print edition.

Steven L Wartick, Ph.D., Editor 
Business and Society, 
School of Business Administration 
University of Missouri-St Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Road
St Louis, MO 63121

No email address available.

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