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Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry

Subject: Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:50:18 -0500 (EST)

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry - Full papers published online
ahead of print!

Portland Press is pleased to announce that the full text of papers for
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry are now published online as soon as
they are ready.  This will mean that a paper may be published and
available to readers online several weeks before the printed edition.

The first three papers from volume 29, part 1 (February 1999) were
published online on 30 November 1998, and as of 15 January the issue is
complete with eleven papers now available on the Biotechnology and Applied
Biochemistry web site:

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry is available online offering many
additional advantages:

 Full access to online papers from 1998
 Abstracts from 1997
 Medline links
 Inter-journal linking
 Electronic multi-media adjuncts

Full free access to this online journal is restricted to institutions
that have a subscription to the printed version.  Access is by IP
address registration.  Contact the following for further information
about how to register:


*  The focus of Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry is directed
   towards the publication of original articles and reviews concerning 
   the development, manufacture, characterization and regulation of
   biopharmaceuticals and related diagnostics.

*  Editor-in-Chief: Roger L Lundblad, Baxter Biotech, Duarte, USA

*  Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry is published by Portland
   Press on behalf of the International Union of Biochemistry and 
   Molecular Biology (IUBMB)

*  Subscription informtion
        Volumes 29 and 30 (1999); six issues; ISSN 0885-4513
        North America US$227.00
        Rest of World #130.00

*  Portland Press Ltd is the not-for-profit publishing subsidiary of
   the Biochemical Society. Further information about publications 
   and society matters can be found on the following URL:

*  For further information contact Adam Marshall, Portland Press Ltd,
        59 Portland Place, London W1N 3AJ, UK
        Tel: 0171 580 5530, Fax: 0171 323 1136, 

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