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American Art

American Art

Publisher: University of Chicago Press for the Smithsonian American Art

American Art is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to exploring all aspects
of the nation's visual heritage from colonial to contemporary times. Through
a broad interdisciplinary approach, American Art provides an understanding
not only of specific artists and art objects, but also of the cultural
factors that have shaped American art over three centuries of national

The fine arts are the journal's primary focus, but its scope encompasses all
aspects of the nation's visual culture, including popular culture, public
art, film, electronic multimedia, and decorative arts and crafts. American
Art embraces all methods of investigation to explore America's rich and
diverse artistic legacy, from traditional formalism to analyses of social
context. Formerly known (until 1991) as Smithsonian Studies in American Art.

American Art is published in March, July, and November. Editorial preference
is given to articles that combine sound scholarship with thought-provoking
new interpretations or new avenues of research. Articles should be written
in an engaging style and appeal to an educated general audience as well as
the scholar in the field. Submissions in a variety of formats are
considered, including commentaries, interviews, essays, critical studies,
research notes, unpublished historical documents, and photo essays.

ISSN: 1073-9300

Executive Editor:

Cynthia Mills
American Art
Smithsonian American Art Museum
P.O. Box 37012
Victor Building, MRC 970
Washington, D.C. 20013-7012

Content available by subscription. Free sample issue available online.
Back issues available from JSTOR.

Abstracts available online. Articles available in HTML and/or PDF format.
Current Issue: Volume 20, Number 1 Spring 2006

Date: 24 May 2006

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