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Australian Occupational Therapy Journal

Australian Occupational Therapy Journal

Publisher: Blackwell Publishing

The Australian Occupational Therapy Journal is the official journal of
OT Australia , the Australian Association of Occupational Therapists,
and welcomes manuscripts relevant to the theory, research, practice and
education of occupational therapy.

The Journal aims to promote research and interdisciplinary
communication, and provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to
occupational therapists. The Journal is dedicated to promoting
occupational therapy internationally.

Print ISSN: 0045-0766
Online ISSN: 1440-1630

Janet Fricke, Editor
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal
PO Box 378
Carlton South
Victoria 3053, Australia
tel: +61 3 8359 1011; fax: +61 3 8359 1121


Content available by subscription.


Current Issue: Volume 51: Issue 1, March 2004

Date: 21 April 2004

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