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American Journal of Psychiatry

Subject: The American Journal of Psychiatry
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 20:02:23 -0500 (EST)

The American Journal of Psychiatry

The American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychiatric
Publishing Group is pleased to announce that The American Journal of
Psychiatry is now online at the above address and from many countries
outside the US at:

The American Journal of Psychiatry Online contains the full content of
each issue of the journal, including all figures and tables.  In addition,
the full text is searchable by keyword, and the cited references include
hyperlinks to Medline and to the full text of many other online journals. 

Online full-text content begins with the January 1997 issue, and will
expand with each month's new issues. The February, 1999 issue is the
latest online.  The March issue will be available online at the beginning
of March. Abstracts are online beginning with the January 1975 issue, and
tables of contents are available beginning with the October 1965 issue. 

Soon each issue will be placed online approximately on the date it is
mailed to subscribers, so the online site may be days or even weeks ahead
of your receipt of a paper copy. 

In addition, the table of contents of the upcoming issues will regularly
be placed online, as a "future table of contents." 

Readers can register to receive an email "eTOC", alerting them to the
contents of each new issue as it is placed online, and of future tables of
contents when those are placed online. You can register for the eTOC
service from any table of contents page you view online. 

The Web site also provides access to information about the journal (such
as Instructions to Authors, and subscription information), as well as
access to other services. 

The sites are free and available to all on the Internet until spring 1999.
Thereafter, access will be by institutional site license, which comes with
each institutional subscription, or by personal subscription which comes
with each print subscription. 

We very much encourage you, on your first visit to the site, to "sign the
guestbook." This will take only a minute or two, and will give us helpful
information about who the online readers are, and how they are connecting
to us.  In addition, we would appreciate comments, critiques, questions,
or suggestions from you; these can be sent via the Feedback button found
on all pages of the site.  Feedback from readers will help the us decide
what new features would be most valuable for the site, and how well it is
working for its readers. 

The newly-online journal is the first of the journals of the American
Psychiatric Publishing Group journals to be online in full text.  The
other journals will follow AJP online over the next few months: 

        Academic Psychiatry
        The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
        The Journal of Neuropsychiatry
        The Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research
        Psychiatric News
        Psychiatric Services

All journals will be available from a single URL:

The sites are being produced in conjunction with Stanford University's
HighWire Press, which also works with other medical/research journals,
such as Science Magazine, the British Medical Journal, and Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences.  A list of online journals and URLs is
available at

(Please bring this message to the attention of colleagues who may be
interested in AJP, the APA and psychiatry journals.) 


Steven Mirin, M.D. Medical Director,
        American Psychiatric Association
Ronald E. McMillen, Director of Publishing,
        American Psychiatric Publishing Group
John Sack, Director, HighWire Press,
        Stanford University

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