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Annual Review Sociology Online

Subject: Annual Review Sociology Online
To: (nj)
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 14:29:01 -0400 (EDT)

Annual Review Sociology Online

This electronic version of the print journal the Annual Review of
Sociology is published every August by Annual Reviews, Inc. The abstracts
of articles published from 1984 to the present day are available online
free-of-charge at this site, and ordering capability is provided,
allowing users to buy full-text articles and then download them in Adobe
Acrobat portable document format (PDF files).

Some articles appearing in the 1997 issue of the journal include: "The
Savings and Loan Debacle, Financial Crime, and the State", "Feminist
Theory and Sociology: Underutilized Contributions for Mainstream Theory",
and "Growing Up American: The Challenge Confronting Immigrant Children and
Children of Immigrants".

Editor: John Hagan

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