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The Australian Financial Review

The Australian Financial Review

Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 20:51:05 GMT
Subject:  Australian Financial Review

Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 12:15:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Directory of E-Journals <>
Subject: The Australian Financial Review

The Australian Financial Review, with its crisp, perceptive and relevant
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Monday to Friday. 

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Boards buy the byte 
       A FEDERAL Court judgment has apparently cleared the way for boards 
       of directors to meet online, rather than in boardrooms.

No longer a cry about affording printing hues 
       MAN RAY was a master of monochrome; for mere mortals, colour can 
       help make up for a lack of similar creativity.

Modems for SOHO 
       RIDING on the back of increased consumer demand for personal 
       computers with communications capabilities, Netcomm last week 
       announced three ranges of modems targeted at the small office, 
       home office market.

Paper use still high despite electronic wizardry 
       The paperless office is still far from a reality, with demand 
       increasing for in-house printing services. Electronic transfer 
       of information seems to be an addition to paper output, 
       rather than a substitute. BEVERLEY HEAD looks at the effects 
       of new office technology; how the office environment is 
       changing; and some of the likely future developments.

Networked printers can make right connections 
       THE personal computer has changed the office environment in more 
       ways than one - it has swept up a host of office devices in 
       the tide of demand for a single integrated network.

More paper price rises on the way 
       OVER the past 14 months the price of pulp has risen from $348 a 
       tonne to over $1,000.

Manufacturer warning 
       AUSTRALIA'S manufacturing sector has no more than five years to 
       re-engineer its technology and business processes if it is to 
       survive the impact of global competition, an industry consultant says.

Designing virtual worlds of reality 
       FIVE years from now architects and engineers will have access to 
       computer-aided design systems, as opposed to the current 
       generation of drafting systems, says Dr Joel Orr, a US-based 
       expert in the field.

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