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Sun Jul 9 2006 (Modified on Mon Jul 10 2006) Next Step for California Same-Sex Marriage Case Begins on July 10th
Beginning at 9am on Monday, July 10th, the California Court of Appeal in San Francisco will hear oral arguments in Woo v. California and five other cases that will decide whether excluding same-sex couples from marriage violates the California Constitution. Last spring, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard A. Kramer held that California's exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage discriminates on the basis of sex and violates the fundamental right to marry under the California Constitution. The Attorney General appealed, setting the stage for the argument to be held on July 10, 2006.

Read More On Indybay's LGBTI / Queer or California Pages
Sun Jul 9 2006 (Modified on Mon Jul 10 2006) Protest In San Francisco Against Violence in El Salvador
On July 7th, Bay Area CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador) and supporters protested violence in San Salvador that led to the death of multiple people, along with dozens injured, which is being called the worst violation of human rights since the signing of the 1992 Peace Accords.

Read More On Indybay's City of San Francisco or Americas Pages
Sat Jul 8 2006 (Modified on Mon Jul 10 2006) Groups Nationwide Participate in Fast to Demand Return of Troops
Thousands of people gathered across the US during the week of July 4th to protest the on-going war in Iraq. One of the largest demonstrations took place in Washington D.C and was organized by Code Pink. Code Pink also launched a nationwide fast to demand an end to the war. The fasters plan to stay in front of the White House every day until August 14th, when they will move the hunger strike next to President Bush's vacation ranch in Crawford, Texas. Fasters are also in front of Dianne Feinstein's SF office daily from 8am to 8pm through Wednesday, August 12th.

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On July 3rd, protesters gathered in front of Bank of America in San Francisco demanding that the bank sign a pledge agreeing not to provide mortgages for buildings where senior and disabled tenants have been evicted.
Photos & Video

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Bulldozers entered the South Central Farm in Los Angeles early on July 5th to tear up the farmers' plants-- in spite of the fact that the farmers and community have a scheduled July 12th court date to fight the legality of the sale of the land. Several protesters were extracted from inside the farm, where they had been using their bodies to stop the bulldozers. Hired security guards inside the farm have been working with police to keep farmers and their supporters out of the farm. July 7th through 10th will be South Central Farm International Solidarity Days. There was a solidarity rally at the Grand Lake Farmers Market in Oakland on Saturday, July 8th ( Photos | Audio ), and a rally and parade was held in Santa Cruz on Sunday, July 9th ( Photos: 1 | 2 | Audio )

Read More On Indybay's Environment & Forest Defense or California Pages
Advisory writes: Over 4,500 copies of the following handbill were distributed on July 3rd and 4th in tourist areas of Santa Cruz. They were placed under windshield wipers of cars in city lots, hotels, and resturants, on light poles, change machines, and distributed by hand. Areas covered included Beach Boardwalk, Wharf, Depot Park, Downtown, West Cliff, Seabright areas, Mission Street, and Ocean Street. The handbills were created to bring to the surface the simering tensions between the business interests and the rest of the citizens of this town.

Read More On Indybay's Police State or Santa Cruz Indymedia Pages
On July 6th, federal agents from the DEA raided as many as 13 medical marijuana dispensaries in the San Diego area. At least two dispensary operators were arrested. This DEA action follows raids on 13 area dispensaries, all of which were also targets of raids last December. Corporate media has reported that the District Attorney’s office will be filing state charges, though the indictments are federal.

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In the latest attack over free media in the Philippines, Radyo Cagayano, a community radio station run by farmers and supported by the left-wing Bayan Muna party, was burned down and its staff member injured and robbed at gun-point.
The radio station employees suspect the Philippine Army. Since Gloria Macapagal became President in Feburary 2001, 42 journalists have been murdered. AMARC, the World Association of Community Radio Stations, is organizing a campaign to demand justice for the people of Radyo Cagayano.

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Sat Jul 1 2006 (Modified on Thu Jul 6 2006) City of Santa Cruz Fails to Resolve the Police Spying Scandal
On July 5th, the new Santa Cruz Police Department policy on spying went into effect. Under the new rules, even if you are engaged in constitutionally protected first amendment activities, Santa Cruz police will still be able to videotape you inside or outside of your home, audio record you, listen to your phone calls, look at the mail you are receiving, read your email, make notes about your organization, tail you, monitor your website, subscribe to your email lists, and examine your membership lists. A parade and protest of the new policy took place on July 5th starting at the Santa Cruz police station.

Read More On Indybay's Police State or Santa Cruz Indymedia Pages
Sun Jul 9 2006 (Modified on Mon Jul 10 2006) Rape and Murder In Iraq
US prosecutors have charged Steven Green, 21 , a former private with the US Army's storied 101st Airborne Division, with raping and murdering an Iraqi girl, after gunning down three members of her family, including a five-year-old sister. On July 5th 2006, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki called for an independent inquiry and pressed for a review of foreign troops' immunity from Iraqi law.

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On the Fourth of July, patriotic Americans everywhere celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, cookouts, and time with their families. This year, some celebrations were interrupted by reminders that the United States does not give freedom to everyone. One activity was nearly made illegal this summer: burning the American flag. An amendment backed by the Bush administration to give Congress the power to “ban desecration of the American flag” received one vote less than was needed for passage. Fourth of July protests in the Bay Area reminded people that US imperialism in the Middle East is causing detention, torture, and death for many. Santa Cruz held its 2nd Annual Old Time American Flag Burn at Seabright Beach. Photos

Read More On Indybay's California or Government & Elections Pages
Josh Sonnenfeld writes: As I read through the articles, stories and remembrances of former UC Santa Cruz Chancellor Denice D. Denton, I feel like I’m meeting her for the first time. I’m meeting the role model and mentor of women in science and engineering. I’m meeting the first openly queer woman to lead a major research university. I’m meeting the person who publicly challenged Harvard’s sexist President. I’m meeting the woman I, and most in the Santa Cruz community, never got the chance to know.

Read More On Indybay's Education & Student Activism or Santa Cruz Indymedia Pages
Sat Jul 1 2006 (Modified on Tue Jul 4 2006) SF: Emergency Palestine Protest
On Monday July 3rd there was an emergency protest in San Francisco against the U.S.-Israeli assault on Palestinians. The protest was at 4:30 PM in front of the Israeli Consulate on Montgomery St. Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter-bombers have destroyed the main power station in Gaza and destroyed bridges on the only major roads linking the northern and southern sections of the region. Round-the-clock Israeli artillery shelling is taking place. Most of the people of Gaza are now without water and electricity. Israel has also arrested a third of the members of the Palestinian Authority governing body.

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Thu Jun 29 2006 (Modified on Fri Jun 30 2006) Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
On June 29, 2006, the US Supreme Court ruled that President Bush overstepped his authority in creating military war crimes tribunals for Guantanamo Bay detainees. The Court, in a 5-3 decision, held that the Bush administration did not have authority to set up the tribunals and found the military commissions illegal under both military justice law and the Geneva Convention.

Read More On Indybay's Police State or U.S. Pages
Tue Jun 27 2006 (Modified on Fri Jul 7 2006) Santa Cruz Caravanistas On A Human Rights Mission To Cuba
Over the weekend of June 24th and 25th, about a dozen Santa Cruz activists busied themselves at the Live Oak Grange sorting medical supplies, soaps, books, pens, and automotive parts among other items, as part of the Pastors for Peace 2006 Cuba Friend-Shipment Caravan. This is the 17th year community members have challenged the travel ban to Cuba. Photos | Audio | Video in Fresno

Read More On Indybay's Poverty & Housing or Santa Cruz Indymedia Pages
Wed Jun 28 2006 (Modified on Fri Jun 30 2006) Save Our State Protest
Organizers with Direct Action Anti-Authoritarians (DAAA) Collective, and Aztlan Rising, held a counter protest against the anti-immigration group Save Our State, (SOS). The two groups started on opposite sides of the street, and then counter protestors crossed, and both groups were mashed together. It was documented that white power activists were in attendance at the demonstration.

Read More On Indybay's Central Valley or Immigrant Rights Pages
On Tuesday, June 27th, the Berkeley City Council voted to include an initiative advocating the impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney on the Berkeley municipal ballot this November. The ballot initiative was introduced by Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates. Citing the High Crimes, the ballot initiative calls on the City of Berkeley to petition all members of the United States House of Representatives and all members of the California State Legislature to bring articles of impeachment against the President and Vice President. Several resolutions calling for impeachment have passed in cities around the country, but a ballot initiative allowing voters to weigh in on the issue is unique.

Read More On Indybay's East Bay Area or Government & Elections Pages
Tuesday June 27th was a "National Day of Action" in solidarity with U.S. Army Lt. Ehren Watada. Outside the gates of Fort Lewis, Washington, hundreds rallied to support Watada – the first commissioned officer to resist the illegal war and occupation of Iraq. Photos
In San Francisco, people gathered at 5pm in Justin Herman Plaza. Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | Audio: 1 | 2 | Video

On June 7th, U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren Watada held a press conference in Tacoma, WA to announce his intention to disobey the illegal order to deploy to Iraq. Ehren Watada is believed to be the first U.S. military officer to publicly refuse orders in the Iraq War due to its illegality. Photos
In the lead-up to the national day of action, supporters of Lt. Watada rallied in Fort Lewis on June 24th and Olympia on June 26th. Photos: 1 | 2 | Audio

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At the two-day SF Pride Celebration in San Francisco on June 24th and 25th, plant-powered volunteers from Bay Area Vegetarians staffed a Veg Education & Outreach booth. People seemed hungry for veg info and crowded the booth to learn about vegetarianism, vegan cooking, and factory farming. Through the use of a unique battery cage display and other materials, tens of thousands of people learned that chickens are debeaked and intensively confined in cages to produce eggs. Leafleting by volunteers throughout the area was also successful. Thousands of booklets and pamphlets were distributed to receptive passers-by.

Read More On Indybay's City of San Francisco or Animal Liberation Pages
Dina Boyer is a photographer and videographer who frequently posts media to Indybay, and covers LGBT and police brutality-related issues. Ms. Boyer reports, "For the last 8 years I have been covering the Pride celebration in San Francisco... every year I obtained media passes." After having applied months in advance for her official press passes, she was denied her passes on Saturday. She feels that she was discriminated against, and that her First Amendment rights as a journalist were violated. She feels that her presence as a transgendered woman and a journalist will not be missed when she does not cover Pride events next year. The press credentials of Allen White, who wrote a story critical of the corporate nature of SF Pride for Beyond Chron, were also lifted.

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Sun Jun 4 2006 (Modified on Wed Jun 28 2006) LGBT Pride Celebrations and Marches Held Throughout June and Beyond
LGBT Pride Celebrations were held in many California cities during the month of June. On Saturday, June 3rd, Out in the Valley was held in Fresno. Photos
San Francisco Pride took place from June 23rd through 25th.
The Trans March was held on Friday, June 23rd. Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
The Dyke March was held on Saturday, June 24th.
The SF Pride Celebration was held in Civic Center on Saturday and Sunday. The main Pride March began on Sunday at 10:30am at Market and Beale Streets, and ended at Civic Center. Photos | Reports: 1 | 2

Read More On Indybay's LGBTI / Queer or City of San Francisco Pages
Old-growth forest near Siskiyou County’s wild and scenic Salmon River is headed for the auction block - and the chopping block - after losing a years-long battle in the court of appeals. The Knob Timber Sale is part of a large scale logging plan that included the Glassups Timber Sale which was cut in 2003, and the Meteor Timber Sale which is still winding through the courts.

Read More On Indybay's Environment & Forest Defense or North Coast Pages
Mon Jun 19 2006 (Modified on Sat Jun 24 2006) National Activists Highlight Transgender Civil Rights Commemoration
A memorial plaque commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Compton’s Cafeteria Riot was installed in San Francisco at 12pm on Thursday, June 22nd, at the corner of Turk and Taylor Streets. The 1966 riot in the Tenderloin was the first known instance of transgender resistance to police harassment in the U.S. National and local community activists present will include Reverend Cecil Williams of Glide Memorial Church, author/activists Leslie Feinberg and Jamison Green, Mara Keisling of the National Center for Transgender Equality, and representatives of the SF Mayor’s Office, Human Rights Commission, and Police Commission. Photos | Video

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07/10/06 County of Santa Cruz v. Gonzales     drugwar | santacruz
07/09/06 Next Step for California Same-Sex Marriage Case Begins on July 10th     lgbtqi | california
07/09/06 Green Cross in Need of Support in Order to Reopen in San Francisco     drugwar
07/09/06 Movement Grows For Bush Impeachment     eastbay | government
07/09/06 Protest In San Francisco Against Violence in El Salvador     sf | americas
07/09/06 Seniors and Disabled Take On The Banks     poverty | sf
07/09/06 Violence pushes Iraq closer to all out civil war     iraq
07/09/06 Bay Area Vegetarians Staff Outreach Booth at Pride Celebration     sf | animalliberation
07/09/06 Rape and Murder In Iraq     iraq
07/09/06 Citizens For Cruelty-Free Entertainment Leaflet Circus Vazquez Patrons     southbay | animalliberation
07/09/06 Come Back Home Campaign     poverty
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SF events 7.10 FULL MOON Moon Calendar HERE
Monday Jul 10th 6:29 PM
Bring the Troops Home Fast at State Capital Victor
Monday Jul 10th 5:40 PM
The Next Stage of the 9/11 Truth Movement Carol Brouillet
Monday Jul 10th 4:20 PM
San Francisco Poised to Make Transgender History, Again! Cecilia Chung
Monday Jul 10th 2:58 PM
7/14 SF Hilton Siege Picket Labor Action Coalition
Monday Jul 10th 12:54 PM
SF: West Coast Green-Volunteers Needed Alesha Myers
Monday Jul 10th 12:15 PM
Join Our Local Troops Home Fast Vigil outside Feinstein's Office! Bay Area Codepink
Monday Jul 10th 12:05 PM
7/11 Protest In Oakland Over NLRB Union Busting Labor Action Coalition
Monday Jul 10th 11:25 AM
pointless cop behavior big momma (8 comments)
Monday Jul 10th 10:18 AM
Local Drug War Updates Ritika Aggarwal (1 comments)
Monday Jul 10th 9:57 AM
South Central Report Back#2 Michael Kozart (1 comments)
Monday Jul 10th 9:24 AM
Mumia's Fight for Justice Continues Bill Carpenter
Monday Jul 10th 8:36 AM
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There’s no anti-gay pogrom in Iran! Leslie Feinberg
Monday Jul 10th 7:05 PM
Diabetes and Depleted Uranium - Italian Embassy Cover up Continues Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award Winner
Monday Jul 10th 2:01 PM
Earth First! blockades virginia coal plant ef!
Monday Jul 10th 11:18 AM
Palestinian Family Members Killed and Injured in the Latest Israeli Military Escalation Electronic Intifada (reposted) (6 comments)
Monday Jul 10th 8:20 AM
Palestinian Child Demands Protection for the Palestinian People at the UN Electronic Intifada (reposted)
Monday Jul 10th 8:19 AM
Five more US soldiers charged in rape-murder atrocity in Iraq wsws (reposted)
Monday Jul 10th 7:38 AM
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Monday Jul 10th 7:36 AM
Troops Home Fast: Nationwide Hunger Strikes Protest Iraq War Democracy Now (reposted) (1 comments)
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Monday Jul 10th 7:29 AM
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Monday Jul 10th 6:29 PM
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Networking: Consumers eying home networks UPI
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Monday Jul 10th 8:34 AM
New Report Proving Torture at Guantanamo Here CCR
Monday Jul 10th 8:03 AM
Shas to support gov't in no-confidence motion on J'lem gay pride parade Haaretz (reposted) (3 comments)
Monday Jul 10th 7:25 AM
Israel bars Palestinian Americans for first time since 1967 Haaretz (reposted) (3 comments)
Monday Jul 10th 7:25 AM
Exiled Hamas leader says Shalit is 'prisoner of war' Haaretz (reposted) (5 comments)
Monday Jul 10th 7:24 AM
Afghanistan: Tactics and techniques BBC (reposted)
Monday Jul 10th 7:22 AM
WOT: Eight Theses on the Destiny of the Concept of Workers' Rule Ben Seattle (reposted by Marik)
Sunday Jul 9th 11:31 PM
The Brutality of Iraq’s Civil War Deepens TruthDig (reposted) (1 comments)
Sunday Jul 9th 5:03 PM
Social Conflict p.p
Sunday Jul 9th 4:14 PM
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