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Washington, DC Independent Media Center


News :: Foreign Policy/Empire/Imperialism

Massacres Will Keep Happening as Long as Israeli Actions are Unchecked


These photos were sent to Angry Arab by the editor of the Lebanese newspaper Al Safir. This is due to concern that few in the West will see them. angryarab.blogspot.com The photos show collective punishment against Lebanon in reaction to the kidnapping of 2 Israeli soldiers. This is the same form of collective punishment seen in the air war and invasion of Gaza, Palestine, in retaliation for the kidnapping of another soldier there. These types of actions are clear violations of the Geneva Conventions.

palestine journal july 14th: What is a kidnapping? Who is a prisoner of war?
Lebanese Cabinet Accuses Israel of Using Phosphorous Incendiary Bombs on Civilians
Writing from Beirut, July 14

Pentagon announced the export of $210m of aviation fuel to help Israel ||
US to Israel: you have one more week to blast Hizbullah

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News :: Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification : Local News/Neighborhoods : Poverty : Race/ Racism : Youth/Education


During a recent community action forum, more than 65 people from all walks of life, ethnicity, age and agendas met at Before It's Too Late Peoples Media Center at Al Fishawy Cafe to study and share experiences and expertize and plan action to improve DC's Public Schools. The action break-out committee reported on here examined the issue of Privatization of DC's education system.


Commentary :: Anti-War/War/Peace

Collective punishment: Trademark of Israel (by Latuff)

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

ADC To Rally Against Israeli Atrocities on July 18

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News :: Foreign Policy/Empire/Imperialism

Eyewitness Account from Lebanon

Beirut, Lebanon | Yesterday, July 12, one of the bridges nearby was bombed. By the time I made it home, only minutes later, Israeli war planes had bombed the area hitting two other bridges close by. Then, around midnight local time we heard that the bombings had killed many people who lived near the bridges, again only few blocks away from me. Four cars fell off the bridge during the attack. These two bridges are part of the new highway which was built by the late Prime Minister Rafic Harriri to connect Beirut with southern Lebanon. According to news reports, a total of 13 bridges were destroyed by Israeli airplanes by the end of last night.

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News :: Foreign Policy/Empire/Imperialism : Globalization/Anti-Globalization

Anti-G8 Protests Succeed in Russia

G8 Russia Carnival Against Capitalism Anti-G8 Protest Successful in Russia Despite Massive Police Arrests Ahead of Bush visit and G8 Summit

G8 Summit Reports from St. Petersberg, Moscow: Russia IMC

Special G8 Critical Mass

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Announcement :: Environment/Food/Health : Foreign Policy/Empire/Imperialism : Globalization/Anti-Globalization : Immigration : Labor/Economics/Business

CALL for Global Actions Against the IMF/World Bank, Sept 14-20

Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ) has endorsed the following call, written and distributed by Jubilee South, a coalition of social movements throughout the Global South who are resisting illegitimate debts and IMF/World Bank policies. The statement calls on people worldwide to take action in their own communities against the IMF/World Bank the week of September 14-20, while the institutions meet in Singapore.

En español

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

BORF communique release and street party!


a video communique from the kids who brought you BORF will be shown on July 29th at 9:30PM followed by a festive street party.
(location TBA at borfyou.com on the 27th!)

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News :: Environment/Food/Health

Earth First! blockades Virginia power plant

coal block 2.jpg
Early this morning, activists with Earth First! and Rising Tide North America set up a non-violent blockade of American Electric Power's (AEP) nearly 50 year old Clinch River coal fired electric facility. Emitting millions of pounds of pollutants yearly, the Clinch River coal plant threatens the health and lives of thousands of downwind residents and the surrounding environment. Burning coal is not only a primary factor behind global climate change, but also drives the expansion of large scale strip mining. Large scale surface mining destroys forests, streams and communities as it alters the Appalachian landscape forever.

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