

Featured news by and for the local community


News :: Military : Protests and Vigils

North Dakota: Clowns (One from St. Louis) Sabotage Nuclear Warhead

In a direct act of protest against nuclear weapons on the morning of 20 June, Carl Kabat, a Roman Catholic Priest from St. Louis, and Gregory Boertje-Obed and Michael Walli, two Veterans, went to a Minuteman III silo in North Dakota and sabotaged the silo with hammers. They also put paint and their own blood on the missile lid.

More Info: Jonah House | "Democracy Now" coverage 6-21 | MP3 Interview with Kabat

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Commentary :: General : Media : Recreation

Local radio DJ advocates hitting bikes with vehicles

During morning rush hour 6/2, a DJ for Bernie Miklasz Show on local "sports" station, AM 1380, said the proper place for bicycles is underneath cars. This comes barely 1year after local radio DJs suspended for prompting listeners to forceably disarm cops. Unclear whether the DJ advocating violence against bicyclists could receive similar treatment. For context, 12% of all roadway injuries in Missouri are on bike.
Update: Bernie issues apology for guest, and legal threat.

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News :: General

Anarchist Opposition to Anti-Immigration Rally in Collinsville Illinois


an account from one person who attended the counter-demonstration in Collinsville to the anti-illegal immigrant rally.

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News :: Gender and Sexuality : Protests and Vigils

Transgender guerrilla performers crash Venus Envy

A guerrilla performance troupe descended upon Venus Envy in the St. Louis Center on 4-15-2006 to highlight the event organizers' lack of a fair transgender policy. The performers staged a tongue-in-cheek freak/fashion show, complete with barker wearing top-hat and tails, highlighting the gender ambiguity of each “freak.”

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News :: Protests and Vigils

5,000 at St. Louis Immigrant Rights March

Today, St. Louis joined the national outcry against HR4437. Demonstrators assembled downtown in Kiener Plaza earlier this evening, carrying flags and banners with messages like “Ningun ser humano es ilegal: No human being is illegal.” A wide array of speakers, including Archbishop Raymond Burke, addressed a packed arena sharing a message of determination for immigrant families.

More Info: April 10 Mobilization | New America Opportunity Campaign | US Indymedia | No HR4437 Network


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Announcement :: Media

STLIMC at Community Wireless Summit

St. Louis IMC will be covering the 2006 National Summit for Community Wireless Networks, taking place March 31-April 2 in Lindenwood University in St. Charles, MO. CAMP and STLIMC will be participating in and covering the conference, and we'll be keeping our eyes peeled for all sorts of neat stuff this summit promises to offer. In particular, CAMP is interested in building a community wireless net right here on Cherokee St., and we hope to find lots of useful pointers at this summit.

More info: summit schedule of events, registration to participate

4-20 UPDATE: Wrap-up of the Wifi Conference



Announcement :: Protests and Vigils

Anti-war Assembly at Forest Park on March 19th

On Sunday March 19, 2-4p, St. Louis Instead of War is hosting an assembly in the World's Fair Pavilion in Forest Park on the 3rd Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq. There will be food provided by Food Not Bombs, panel speakers, art, poetry, music and other displays highlighting the human costs of the war. Download the flyer in color or in black & white.

Update 3-15: There is now contact info for artists contributing to the assembly. Read on for more.


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News :: Civil and Human Rights : Gender and Sexuality : Local politics : Media : Protests and Vigils

64/40 Exodus Billboard Modified!

Billboard modified in response to anti-GLBT conference...

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Announcement :: General : Media

Revised Newswire Posting Policy

We have recently adopted a new policy that we will be testing in the next several weeks. The new policy is not yet set in stone, but we feel it will be successful to adequately shape the newswire into a more desirable medium for the site's purposes. We enthusiastically welcome comments and responses to the revised posting policy.

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News :: Civil and Human Rights

Food Not Bombs is Back in Business after Lull in Activity

Food not Bombs is currently active in St. Louis again and is serving in Lucas Park on Fridays at noon. Lucas Park is located on 14th and Locust, in an increasingly gentrified part of downtown in which the homeless population are under constant assault by the police and the arbitrary power of the capitalist housing market.

[St. Louis Food not Bombs website | Food Not Bombs Needs Donations]

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News :: Civil and Human Rights

Thousands Remember Martin Luther King's Legacy in St. Louis

Several hundred people gathered Monday morning on January 16th in front of the Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis to honor Dr. King's life and work for racial and economic justice. The diverse crowd not only wished to remember King's work but also promote the fact that much of what he fought for still must be resolved in this racially and economically divided military state.

Earlier in the week, several hundred people attended an event at Harris Stowe State University to hear Civil Rights Activist Andrew Young. Multi-cultural dancers, musicians, and singers were also included in the ceremony.

Read the St. Louis American [St. Louis's 36th Annual MLK Day | All in the name of MLK]

Pictures [1 | 2 | 3]


News :: Local politics

CAMP Victorious!

The Communities Arts and Media Project (CAMP) won a months-long struggle to operate a community center in their location at 3022 Cherokee when the St. Louis Board of Adjustment issued an occupancy permit at a hearing on December 14. Though there are still some issues to be resolved--such as the occupancy limit for the first floor--the CAMP community will open the first-floor community space in Spring 2006.

Article originally written for the Confluence. Click here to read.

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